Chapter 464

Christian felt his knees weaken as her watched Nora step out of the car and take her waiting father's arm. Erik sensed he was feeling anxious and gently placed his hand on his shoulder and said, "What a lucky man you are."

Christian smiled and exhaled with relief as tears fell down his cheek.

Nora walked to him and stood in front of Erik and Christian. Pearl and Isla followed, meeting the rest of the family standing along side the bank of the river.

"Who gives this woman to this man, before god and all witnesses here?" Erik asked.

"Her mother, in heaven, and I do." John said, choking up. Nora hugged him and kissed his cheek. "I love you, Dad."

"I love you, too. I'm so happy for you, little peanut." John handed her hand to Christian's and nodded before he left to stand with the rest of the family.

"We stand here today, along this beautiful river, to bear witness of two hearts becoming one before the eyes of god and all that love them. A man, a woman, and a love so great that they are vowing to spend the rest of their lives honoring it, taking care of it.." he looked over at Pearl, "fighting for it and never, ever giving up on it. Their love makes this union possible."

Christian squeezed Nora's hand and smiled.

"Christian, please repeat after me. I, Christian, take thee Nora to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, for fairer or fouler, in sickness, and in health, to love and to cherish, till death we depart, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereunto I plight thee my troth." Christian looked into Nora's eyes and repeated the words. Nora did the same.

Erik then recited the Scottish wedding prayer.

"Mìle fàilte dhuit le d'bhréid,

Fad do ré gun robh thu slàn.

Móran làithean dhuit is sìth,

Le d'mhaitheas is le d'nì bhi fàs."

And then repeated it in English.

"A thousand welcomes to you with your marriage.

May you be healthy all your days.

May you be blessed with long life and peace,

may you grow old with goodness, and with riches."

Pearl watched Erik as he spoke. She missed his speeches and eloquence when he spoke in public. The world truly lost so much when Erik fell from his title, she thought. He was regal and well spoken, steady and strong.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. Christian, kiss your wife," Erik smiled as he said the words.

Everyone cheered as Christian kissed and picked her up, carrying her to the car.

"Where are you going?" Isla asked.

"I am taking my queen to her castle," Christian said as he helped her into the car.

They drove off as everyone clapped.

"So, are we eating or what? No music or dancing? What a boring wedding." Alex said, crossing his arms.

Erik looked over at Pearl and smiled. Everyone began to get into cars to leave.

"Will they be heading to the Maldives tonight?" Pearl asked.

"Yes. Their flight leaves at 10." Erik grabbed the rest of their things and headed to the car. "They will have to sign the papers before they leave but everything else is set."

Pearl nodded. "So, what shall we do then? Dinner? A walk maybe?" She was testing the waters to see if he would tell her his plans.

"I have some business in Aberdeen I need to tend to this evening. Then I will be back to Balmoral." Erik coolly said. Pearl nodded.

He turned and looked at her.

"I'm sorry I've been… off lately. I will talk to you about it when I am ready. I love you, Pearl." He grabbed her arm tightly, tight enough to get her attention. He stepped closer to her and looked into her eyes.

"I fucking love you so much," he said, kissing her.


Christian and Nora signed the license paperwork while having champagne with everyone on the large dining room of Balmoral. Nora was all aglow, smiling and looking up adoringly at her new husband.

"This is all so perfect. So much more than I ever expected." Nora said to everyone. Christian pulled her into his arms and lifted her, spinning her around.

"All for you, my love." She giggled and wrapped her arms around him.

"We will take care of the rest when you return in a month." Erik folded the license and put it in his breast pocket.

"If everyone will excuse me, I have some business to attend to. Congratulations, Christian and Nora!" Erik held up his glass. Pearl held hers up as well, watching him carefully.

Christian followed Erik to the foyer.


"Yes, Christian?" Erik asked, as he put on his jacket.

"Thank you, for today, for everything. For keeping me calm, for helping to plan it all."

Erik smiled. "I was happy to be there."


"Yes Christian?" He asked.

"I don't really remember having a father. But I imagine that today, standing there with you, was what it feels like." Christian smiled as he bowed and walked away, and Erik stood there, with a prideful and grateful smile, not even bothering to wipe away the tears that had begun to fall from his eyes.