Chapter 477

Christian sat at his desk, watching his mother pace the room. It wasn't like her to be so nerved up and he was concerned her anger towards him for the way he acted after returning home was to blame. He instantly felt regret while watching her fidget with her hands and sigh.

"Mother, I want to apologize for the way I acted the other night. I…I am having a difficult time navigating this situation I find myself in," Christian began.

"Christian, you know you can talk to us anytime. We want to be there for you through all of this. We ARE here for you. We just want you to feel you can talk about it when you're ready." Erik said as he sat down on the leather sofa facing Christian.

"As much as I appreciate that, Erik, I wanted my mother to hear my apology and know where I'm coming from," Christian said, looking at Pearl.

"Of course, my love. Do you think this is about my being angry with you? I am far from angry. I understand your pain, I do. And I'm so sorry I can't do more to help you and Nora heal during this. I feel terrible about this pregnancy causing you pain," Pearl said as she stopped pacing.

"I should be happy for you. You found love again with a man you never wanted to lose in the first place. You both have the chance to finally be parents without all the drama and conflict. I am truly happy for you, I promise." Christian put his head down and sighed.

"I know it must have been difficult for you, Erik, to lose me after thinking you had a child. I can understand that much more clearly now."

Erik stirred and shifted his weight. He looked over at Pearl and nodded.

"Actually Christian, that's why we are here." Erik cleared his throat and looked at him.

"Go on," Christian said. He looked over at his mother, questioning her with his eyes.

Erik took a deep breath. Just then, Nora came into the room. She greeted Pearl and Erik and walked over to Christian.

"Nora, I thought you were resting this morning," Christian said.

"I was, but your mother asked me to come down," Nora said, looking up at Pearl.

"Yes. Thank you for coming. We appreciate it," Pearl said.

Christian looked at both Erik and Pearl.

"Remember the letter you found, the one from your father?" Erik began.

"Yes. How could I forget?" He shifted nervously in his chair, looking up at his mother.

"I looked into it, as you asked. I found that, as with many things from the past, there were more layers to it." Erik looked over at Pearl. "And the layers began with another letter that I found. The response to the one your found." Erik stood and walked to the desk, handing Christian the letter from Sebastian to Gail.

As Christian read it, the color of his face became pale, with red hues inflaming in his cheeks and along his neck.

"Oh my god," Christian said, struggling to get the words out.

"What does it say? What's going on?" Nora asked.

Christian looked up at Erik, his eyes beginning to well with tears.

"Does this mean what I think it means?"

Erik slowly nodded and looked down.

"Yes, Christian. You are my son." Erik looked up at him, his eyes saddened at the shame of the statement. It carried so much weight and pain and meant that Christian's place on the throne wasn't his. He felt awful to have ruined that for him, and in that moment, he wished he was truly Sebastian's son.

"Oh god. Erik?" Nora covered her mouth in shock.

"That bastard!" Christian said as stood up and pounded his hand on the desk, causing Nora to jump.

"Christian…" Pearl began.

"Did you know anything about this at all?" Christian asked Pearl.

She looked down and shook her head. "No. I just found out about it all the night of your wedding." She wiped tears from her cheek.

"Who else knew about it? Who else knows?" Christian asked.

Erik didn't want to tell him the rest. He dreaded the words as they came out. He hated what he had to say.

"I cannot believe it. I cannot! Those lying, deceitful absolute scums of the earth. It's all gone to the dogs. This family, this lie. Are you sure all of this is true? Auggie? Dylan?"

"Yes," Erik said. "Unfortunately."

Christian sat back down and put his face in his hands. The room was quiet for several minutes.

"I am so sorry, Christian." Pearl finally broke the silence.

He looked up at her and then over at Erik, composing himself before he finally spoke.

He stood up and walked over to Erik, pulling him into a hug and then looking at him.

"I am not sorry. Not even a little bit," Christian said. Pearl looked over at Erik, in shock. "Christian…?" She asked.

"I'm glad that lying sack of shit isn't my father. If he was still alive today, I'd have him executed for treason. Auggie will meet a similar fate." He said while still looking at Erik. He stepped away and leaned against his desk. Erik, Pearl and Nora were still in quite a bit of shock at his reaction. "I am my father's son. What they did to you, mother; I cannot imagine the pain you are feeling." He clenched his fists. "All these years you've both suffered at their selfish hands. My parents. And I've been treated like a saint my entire life. Just like them. Pristine. Good. They knew what blood runs in these veins. They know the extent of my capabilities. I will destroy them, I will seek out to remove the cloak they hid under, and expose them all, dead or not. I can assure you, this only makes me feel more like myself. I am proud to be your son, father." He looked over at Erik as Erik felt his throat tighten with the need to sob. He tried to choke it down.

"Are you sure those are the only people who know about this?" Christian asked.

"Yes," Erik managed to say.

"No one else must know of this. No one. Do you all understand me?" Christian asserted.

They all nodded.

"Good. Then let's get back to business then, shall we?" Christian said.

"But are you alright?" Pearl asked.

"I assure you, I am quite alright." Christian's eyes glared and seethed with vengeance. Erik recognized it and knew it well.

Pearl walked over to him and kissed his forehead. "I love you," She said.

He nodded and smiled. "I love you, too, mum," he said. "I am so sorry you were made to endure this. I will never allow anyone to hurt you like this again."

She nodded and walked to the door with Erik following.

"Erik, might I have a word with you alone?" Christian asked.

Erik stopped and turned around.

"Yes, of course," he said.