Chapter 478

"Please. Sit." Christian motioned over to a chair by the fireplace.

Erik nodded and sat down as Christian took the chair next to him.

"Is my mother alright? She won't tell me the truth to protect me but I know you will." Christian looked over at Erik. When the fire reflected in his eyes, Erik too, saw a reflection. How could he have not known? Christian had Erik's eyes. Not just the shape but the deep understanding behind them.

"She says she is. I believe she is in shock a little at this point. It is a process, no doubt. For all of us, really," Erik said.

Christian nodded.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Christian. You now know you aren't carrying the blood of nobility in your veins. You are cursed with mine. The genetics of a failure and a man who battles these monsters inside. I wasn't there for you to help you navigate it all and it's probably a good thing…"

"Stop," Christian interrupted. "I meant what I said. I have pride in knowing you are my father. That I was conceived in love and honestly, how could the blood of a man like Sebastian ever be considered noble? There's nothing noble about a man like that. Nothing."

"Christian, if I may, I believe he had true intentions regardless of how awful the things done were to achieve them. I believe his hatred of me was turned into trying to protect you. I do."

Christian shook his head. "I am a man now and I have a wife. And I had…a child. I would never, ever conceive a notion to harm them in this way, even if it was to protect them. That is not what that was. That was coveting and selfish intent for revenge under the guise of protection." He looked into Erik's eyes. "I know you wouldn't have hurt my mother if he had not intervened as he did. I know it. This is noble. Who and what we are now. I am going to send Augustus away. I want him silenced and exiled with a gag order and if he cannot honor that I will expose it all. All of it."

Erik wasn't sure what to say. Christian was young but he was the king.

"And I want you to take his place." Christian looked at the fire and then back at Erik.

"Christian…are you sure?" Erik asked.

"Yes. I'm going to continue my place on the throne. It is what should have always been. Also….When we are together, alone or with people we trust, I'd prefer it if you called me, 'son'. And if it's alright with you, I'd like to call you 'father', if that's not too uncomfortable," Christian said. Erik's eyes welled up with tears.

"Yes. Yes, Son. That is absolutely alright." He stood and wiped his eyes.

"I will let you be, unless there is anything else you need from me right now." Erik was trying to hold it together.

"Just this one last thing." Christian stood up and pulled Erik into an embrace. As he hugged him, Erik reciprocated and exhaled while allowing the tears in his eyes to fall.

"I am so glad you're my Dad. I'm so glad I have you now in my life."

Erik sobbed. "Me too. You have no idea how much I have longed for this moment. I love you so much and I am so proud to be your father." They sobbed as they stood there, hugging one another, finally able to embrace the truth.


"Christian." Nora greeted him with a hug as he walked into their bedroom.

"Are you alright?" She looked into his eyes, searching for what was going on in his mind.

"I can honestly say, other than the day you became my wife, I have never been better," Christian said as he pulled her into his arms.

"I have a hard time understanding that. All of this, really. I was told how awful Erik was before all of this and now, now you find out he's having a child with your mother and he is your biological father and that makes you happy?"

Christian looked into her eyes. "Yes. Yes it makes me happy."


"Because it is who I am. This is my true family and that child my mother is carrying isn't my half sibling. It is my full sibling. I can't wait to meet them. I can't wait to start my life now with my father here. For years I was without a father. What I remember about Sebastian was that he was sick a lot and rigid with me. I always felt… off in a way…about my family. But I don't feel that way anymore."

Nora nodded. "I guess that makes sense."

"It doesn't have to make sense to anyone but myself and Erik. We are so similar. I look up to him. Even when I was told to hate him, I still found myself wanting to be like him."

Christian took her face into his hands. "I love you. And I promise you this is the best thing that could have ever happened to us."

Nora smiled and nodded but she still couldn't help but fear this completely unexpected turn of events and what impact it might have on the future of her family and the crown.