
After Eric's call with Chuka, he decided to give his mother a call and seek her help. No sooner had he dialed her number, before her voice came on.

"Tunde Eric Obasan!" 

Eric rolled his eyes. "Do you always have to call my name like we are quarreling?"

"Yes, o. We've been quarreling since you embarked on this mission. Why can't you just stop being stubborn like your father?" She asked, making Eric sigh. 

"Are you ready to hear what I have to say, or should I just end the call and mind my business?" Eric asked in a threatening tone. 

"You're just stubborn. Oya, talk to me, I'm listening," She said with a sigh of resignation.

She really hoped he was calling to tell her about the girl Wumi had mentioned he had been hanging out with earlier that day. 

"Well, I hope you're alone? What I'm about to say is confidential," Eric said, making his mother look around her to be sure no one was around her or coming out.