Chapter 1: Part 6

I made my way to the ground carefully, only using blasts to slow my fall the slightest bit so I wouldn't over exert it again. Once my feet touched the ground I was surrounded by some of the others, they were all asking me questions or saying how cool I was. The girl from earlier pushed past the small crowd and came up to me.

"WOW! Did you really take that thing down by yourself?!" She asked in amazement. I nodded at her and her jaw dropped, I laughed a bit then winced a little at the growing stinging feeling in my hand. and I started to feel more drowsy.

"Hey are you ok? Did you get hurt fighting that thing?" she asked with a concerned tone.

"Yeah i'm fine, I just used my quirk a bit too much." I shrugged.

"Well done everyone, you all did a wonderful job." a frail voice said as they moved past the crowd. It was the school's nurse Recovery Girl, she must have come to heal anyone who got injured. "Let me take a look at your hand sweetie." She said to me.

"uh- sure." I mumbled and let her look at it. She puckered her lips and they stretched to kiss my hand, I could hear some people gagging in the background and I felt myself get more tired than I was before but the stinging in my hand was gone. "Oh wow, thanks a lot." I said.

"No problem, here have some candy." She smiled and handed me a fruity hard candy. I giggled and popped the candy into my mouth and sucked on it happily, She reminded me of my grandmothers back home. They used to spoil me with candy too. "Make sure you get some rest when you get home and you'll be fully recovered." I nodded, she smiled and turned her attention to the rest of the crowd and healed anyone else who got hurt. I noticed the angry blonde with the explosions from before was glaring at me. 'Guess we know which one of us is the stronger one.' I shrugged to myself, although I wasn't trying to brag about my strength, I was mostly focused on distracting the robot so people wouldn't get hurt and could get away. But probably from his point of view, that wasn't the case.

After Recovery girl healed everyone she told us we could go home now, we finished the written portion of the exam before the physical test started, so now we could leave and wait for the response letter to come in the mail. I was first to head out, I wanted to hear from Shoto as soon as possible. But when I reached the gate in front of the school the pink girl with horns from earlier was chasing behind me.

"Heeey! Wait up!!" She shouted as she tried to catch up to me. I stopped so she could reach me and I turned to look at her. She was panting when she finally caught up.

"You ok?"

"*giggle* Y-yeah *pant* I just wanted to thanking you again for helping me out." She smiled.

"No problem. Really." I said reassuringly.

"And.. sorry for freezing up back there." She said in a quieter tone. I shook my head and put my hand on her shoulder.

"That's ok, fear is normal for any person. Even heroes. But Heroes fight even though they're scared, so they can make a change and save people's lives." I said as I smiled to her. She seemed to understand what I meant and she nodded in agreement.

"Oh, I didn't introduce myself before. My name is Mina Ashido! I hope we end up in the same class together!" She smiled and held out her hand to shake.

"(Y/N) Yumiko. Next time we meet, let's be friends." I said as I shook her hand.

"*Giggle* Ok! See you later!" She said as she headed down the hill, waving. I waved too.


A week went by and I still didn't hear anything from the school, and my dad was starting to get antsy about it. And I haven't been able to get in contact with Shoto either, which made me worry. 'I hope he's alright..' I thought to myself as I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling. It was another sleepless night, the same nightmare again. I was getting really annoyed by it. 'What the heck is going on with me? The nightmares should have ended by now.." I sighed. 'Maybe I should start taking some sleeping pills before bed...' I thought. 'That should at least let me get a little more sleep.' I rolled onto my side and smiled at the little stuffed cat.

"I wonder what you would say if you saw me like this.." I said to the cat as if it was Touya. I laughed a little, but it still hurt a bit. "*sigh* Why didn't you tell me what was going on..? I could have helped you somehow. I don't know exactly how, but I would have tried...tried to make you happier." I said as the cat's button eyes stared at me blankly. I knew it wouldn't respond back, but it was the only piece of him I had left. The closest I'd ever be to him again.. I pat the cat's head and turned to the other side, I closed my eyes in a sad attempt to get some sleep.


I rubbed my eyes tiredly as I sat at the table eating my breakfast.

"Are you ok honey? You look more tired.. Have you been overusing your quirk during training again?" My mom asked me.

"No, I just haven't been getting much sleep.." I answered with a yawn.

"Too excited about getting into U.A to sleep huh?" She smiled.

"Yeah, I guess. I just wish they'd contact me faster." I half lied.

"You and me both." My dad grumbled as he watched the news on his phone. I rolled my eyes at his complaint as I got up and washed my dish.

"I'm going outside to wait for the mailman." I said as I grabbed my coat and put on my shoes.

"Good idea honey, but don't stay out there too long." mom said.

"I won't." I replied and headed outside. I laid down on a patch of grass and watched the clouds and birds go by. It was nice and I was too tired to do anything else. I remember doing this with Touya all the time, we were relaxing just like this when I first got my quirk too..


We were at my old house before we moved, Touya came over for a play date and we played outside most of the day. When we got tired we laid down on the grass and stared up at the sky, and watched the clouds.

"*giggles* Look Tou-chan! That one kinda looks like a whale!"

"Oh yeah haha! Like Gang Orca's head." he snorted.

"Hahaha! Yeah it does!" We both laughed so hard our stomachs hurt.

"Hey, look at that one (N/N)-chan. It looks like a pretty flower, *giggles* just like you!"


"Heh heh, just kidding! You're really easy to tease (N/N)-chan."

"O-oh, *giggles* I guess i'm just silly that way..!"

"*laughs* That's what I like most about you."

"*giggles* Hey Tou-chan, why do you like clouds so much?"

"Heh, that's easy. It's because they look like cotton candy!"

"..Huh? But you don't even like cotton candy, which is pretty weird."

"I know, but you do. And you're sweet like cotton candy, that's why I like clouds, cause they remind me of you." He said as he sat up and looked at me, he smiled cheekily. I felt the butterfly feeling in my stomach again, and my cheeks felt warm... and my fingers.. they felt hot, like really hot.

A/N: Hey guys! hope you enjoyed the short chapter, more about your Backstory/Origin story in the next chapter.