CHAPTER 22: I Guess A Storm Is Coming

Things like this have happened in the past when they were children.

"We apologize, your majesty, one of our members aren't feeling good that rest is what she seriously needed. I hope you can understand that, she had appeared a while ago to show her respect towards you."

Hunter emphasized the last part, this is in order for the Emperor not to think of Saphira as being disrespectful when the event wasn't over yet and she had just left just like that.

Though he really wants to complain to her about that, after all this was still the imperial palace of another Empire.

He sighed inwardly reminding himself to tell her to behave during such times at the very least.

The Emperor saw the complicated look he was having and he couldn't help but to chuckle, "You don't have to worry, I will not point this out towards her. You are here to help us, this is but a small matter for her."

He nodded his head before continuing, "I heard most of the information came from her. She is a commendable knight. Let her rest, if she has no desire for other rewards then rest is what I can give her."

"I thank you, your majesty," Hunter respectfully said.

"No, thank you. For arriving and giving us your support allowing us to have a breather during this time."

All six bowed their heads as a sign of respect before the party finally started.

"Where are they?"

"They're not here."

"Are they over there?"

"I think they had left already," Hamlet shook his head as he, Ezekiel and Leon watched the people look for the six knights from Qillian Empire.

"Well, they did bid us goodbye already. Heard they are planning to depart early tomorrow morning," Leon commented sipping from his glass.

"Quite a busy bunch of kids aren't they?" Ezekiel added.

Hamlet laughed, they are the first teenagers that actually got the attention of this two black squad captains.

"But have you tried sparring with the young lady?" Ezekiel asked Leon.

"No, I had no time plus she had been cooped up in their tent after the first night that I met them," he shook his head in response.

"You missed out then," Ezekiel laughed.

Hamlet understood the reason why he spoke of such when Hunter was strong as well.

Because Saphira's fight isn't the same as Hunter's.

She fights with force and speed while Hunter may do so, he still shows sign of being someone who relies on his ability.

Only a few ability knights are capabale of relying entirely on their physical strength.

And when one were to do so, their physical mana would be able to reach the same level as their ability mana.

Saphira only used her ability when the giant snake appeared but she never used it in other fights no matter how dangerous her position was.

From time to time Hunter would end up using his that is why Ezekiel could tell that he isn't as strong in sword fights alone as Saphira.

But he can also tell that when it comes to ability, Hunter was ahead of her.

"Hmmm, seeing how much fun you had, I guess I really wanted to meet them again," was all Leon could say.

He was not there to witness any of her strength that he really wasn't inclined on sparring with the young lady. But he found it interesting that Ezekiel actually found her to be a good sparring partner.


"Are you all ready?"

Hunter looked at each of them as he asked.

Saphira yawned as it was still before the break of dawn.

The others were still sleepy as well but nevertheless nodded their heads.

"Then let us depart."

They opted to walking for now and the path they will take is the forest where most demonic beasts would reside.

While passing through it they are to eradicate all demonic beasts they will be facing as well.

"I just remembered," Saphira spoke up when they are preparing to step out.

"What is it?" Hunter looked back, not just him but the rest as well.

"My sword broke from the fight with the snake," she raised her sword and pulled it out of its sheath.

When she did, there was only half of the blade left.

Hunter sighed, "You didn't check yesterday and the days before and you tell us now that we are departing."

Even though he tends to go with her antics, he wasn't too lenient as to not berate her for this.

"I'm sorry, but you all can go ahead. After I find a sword I will follow you," she suggested.

Hunter frowned, she wasn't this negligent before, it was a task that shouldn't be forgotten so easily but she just spoke about it now when they are about to depart.

"I'll follow you guys, it won't take that long," she repeated.

And so he sighed, "Go ahead, we will leave signs as to where we are heading."

She nodded before walking back to town, it was still early so she might get to them in the evening, when they are resting, if they are to continuously travel for the day.

Her face turned somber when she turned around.


"How much is this?" she asked a vendor when shops are finally open.

It wasn't a sword she went to buy first but instead it was a firework.

The vendor told her the price but was wondering why she only bought two of it.

After that she went to the weapon shop and checked the place for a sword compatible to her.

'They are all too weak, I should really get my grandfather to make me one,' she sighed after stepping out of the shop.

She looked up at the gloomy sky before heading towards the gate leading to the path the others took.

'I guess a storm is coming, a befitting weather for such a time,' was her thoughts.

She started jumping over the trees once she was inside the forest, heading to one direction without a pause. Not even a glance to her surrounding to see the marks the others have left behind.

"Say Hunter, I don't think Saphira is that type of person," Ridge spoke beside Hunter after they killed another bunch of wolf demonic beasts.

"You mean her forgetting her sword was broken?" he asked in return wiping his sword from the demonic blood.

They also destroyed the cores because this could be eaten by other demonic beasts and they would end up becoming stronger.

Only in the academy were they task to bring it back in order to study these cores and find better ways in killing the beasts.

"Yes, I find it confusing that as a knight she would forget that her sword was broken," Ridge pointed out.

Though Hunter already thought of this as well.

"She has her reasons, but just like us, there are things she just wants to keep to herself."

"This is troublesome," Drake commented on the side.

"What is?" Hunter looked at him.

"We are tasked not to use the portals to return to the Empire because the movements of the demonic beasts have increased and we need to check on it. But isn't it that it only started increasing because of that woman? Getting consumed by darkness," Drake scoffed.

The others went silent.

One thing they could remember from 8 years ago was the explosion of the miasma.

'Watch over his hatred, it might consume him,' was the core of everything that Saphira had been saying about Drake.

"Drake remember what I told you. Don't put too much attention to what you are feeling," he told him.

Drake just looked away with another scoff.

The rest remained silent.

"You're early," Hunter looked up and saw Saphira above them, standing on a tree.

It was just close to the sunset.

She shrugged, "The shops opened early."

She jumped down to look around, seeing as there is nothing for her to do, she just waited to what they plan next.

Hunter felt her when Drake started speaking ill of that person but she remained nonchalant when she came down.

"Let's keep going now."

There is nothing they can do about the discord right now, he was just glad that Saphira wasn't too affected by what Drake was showing.

Their days continued with killing and checking their surroundings.

They were allowed to take flight but Hunter chose that they are to simply walk, they would be able to kill more in such a way.

But it was indeed true that the beasts are stronger and bigger in numbers.

Saphira nodded at Hunter on the third night of their stay in the forest.

"I want to ask you all, have you realized something when we fought against the giant snake?" he started while they surround the fire.

They all turned serious.

"Six mythological beasts bullied it but it still took time before it finally died," Drake responded.

The others agreed.