CHAPTER 23: Yes, I Think So Too

"That only means one thing, they didn't only grew on size or on number but they exponentially grew in strength as well."

Hunter seriously started speaking to them, "This means we need to become stronger as well. We need to train harder and study more about their activities. It is no longer a simple eradication of the demonic beasts. Our mission has become even more difficult than before."

They were silently listening and absorbing everything that he was saying.

"We are the hosts of the mythological beasts, among the strongest of beasts. Which means we will be the ones taking the frontline, be fully prepared for the future."

They nodded their heads in acknowledgement before they were told to rest but not after telling them that tomorrow night they will stay in an inn because they are close to another town already.

The rain had arrived the very next day after they entered the forest, and it has been going on for the next few days which makes it difficult for them to really clean up.

Using the caves as their place of sleep and rest.

"I'm going to patrol then," Saphira stood up and left seeing as they were done with their talk.

She is the one on duty tonight to check their surrounding.

They were tired but no one could truly sleep as well.

The atmosphere was getting heavier by the minute as they silently watched the fire burning in front of them.

Because the day after that, more specifically in just an hour, it will be the 8th year anniversary of the death of the elite squad.

The tragedy of 8 years ago which took the strongest squad back then.

"She must be feeling guilty," Drake scoffed when Saphira left.

"Drake," Hunter called out.

"What? It was her damn sister who killed the rest of her squad before causing that miasma explosion," Drake voiced out his anger.

"Drake!!" Hunter was exasperated.

Before it was only that woman but he now incorporated her to Saphira.

The anniversary was making him even more emotional.

"Stop it Hunter, I don't care how much you care for her. But it was still her sister's fault that they all died!! That my brother died!!" Drake gritted his teeth while looking at Hunter with his eyes filled with rage.

Hunter couldn't deny this fact, Saphira's sister, Raynisha Fiamma, the host of Vermillion bird had killed her squad right before their eyes.

Included in that squad was her lover, Ardel Alphius.

He was the older brother of Drake Alphius.

And right after killing her teammates, the miasma explosion occured causing the six of them to fall unconscious.

Saphira wasn't at the exact scene at that time and they only found out that she was asleep somewhere else because she was bored and feeling lazy.

This caused the prejudice the rest had with her.

Thinking that she was informed before hand by her sister allowing her to be left out.

They had forgotten that she was the most injured among them.

The tragedy was too much that all they saw was the sin of her sister.

"Sorry Hunter but we feel the same, brother Ardel was the kindest. Brother Samuel and Brother Chester were the same. Sister Flora had been the quiet one but takes care of all of them," Willow followed.

"If not for her sister, if not for Raynisha then the elite squad would still be alive. If she didn't allow darkness to consume her or wherever it may be that she had gotten that darkness, then all of this wouldn't be happening right now," even Ridge voiced out.

Stormie and Nixon were in a silent agreement to what they were saying.

Everything that caused their relationship to be strained was Saphira's sister, Raynisha.

All those people they cared for died just like that because of Raynisha.

Saphira was only the sister, they thought they wouldn't equate her with Raynisha.

But when they met her again and seeing her resemblance with Raynisha, all these emotions they thought they wouldn't feel after 8 years of not seeing each other just came rushing out.

Hunter looked at the others and he could see that they all feel the same way.

They didn't really want to find fault in Saphira but because of what happened, it was still there.

The seed of doubt was still there.

He wanted to rebuke their words, to retort but he can't, because even Saphira was letting them feel as they want.

His eyes went to the opening of the cave and she was leaning at the walls of it.

When they noticed his look, the others looked towards the entrance and was shock to see her there.

Drake just scoffed at her.

While the others didn't know what to say because they really didn't want to blame her right in front of her.

This is indeed unfair, they still treat her as a friend but they actually don't trust her fully.

"I forgot to get some water and bread," Saphira smiled with uncertainty seeing their shock looks.

"You can continue whatever it is you are talking about," she said before stepping out once again.

"Saphi-" Hunter wanted to run after her but he needs to say something to these people before doing so.

"I don't care what you all think but I felt the warmth of her fire when that miasma explosion occured before I completely lost consciousness."

This was the first they heard this.

"You may think I am just saying this to get your negative thoughts about her out but that is the truth. And I don't know what you remember but after that incident she had fallen into a coma and was gravely injured, more than what we had."

They really didn't mean to talk ill about her sister in front of her because she acts nonchalant but pain was still crossing her eyes.

But the day was just that kind of day, they couldn't help it.

"And your prejudice? Why don't you think more clearly? Who was it that gained more information at the last Empire? Who was it that thought things more thoroughly? Who was it that took her mission seriously?"

The prejudice couldn't easily disappear but they really do feel guilty that she was stuck in between their hatred towards her sister.

"Think about things carefully because Saphira haven't done anything for you to keep on doubting her... or hating her. I just hope I won't have to use my authority in you as the crown prince."

After that he left them on their own and run after Saphira.

He could command them to stop their words and their thoughts against her, and as the crown prince's command, they will have to follow even if they were to hold it in.

But they are his friends, he didn't want to do any of that.

It didn't take long before he found her under the shade of a tree.

She was holding two fireworks that was lit, her fire not allowing the rain to drench it.

He remembered that Raynisha loved the fireworks a lot.

So this must be her way of remembering her death.

"You'll get sick at this rate," he commented as he approached her.

She was completely drenched unlike when she returned to the cave.

This time she didn't cover herself with her ability.

She smiled sadly just as the fireworks died and sighed looking up in the sky, "Yes, I think so too."

He looked at her, after she woke up from her coma 8 years ago, she sat up, stared blankly before she started crying.

And that was the last time he had seen her cry, half a year later they were sent away to train.

Looking at her right now with the rain pouring down at them. He couldn't tell if she was crying or not.

But it seems she still was not.

"They remember the kindness of the elite squad and the evilness of Raynisha on this day," she suddenly spoke up.

"But I remember something else," she raised her hand and stared at it.

Then she remained quiet again, Hunter furrowed his brows.

"What is it, Saphira?"

He knew she was hiding things from back then, if he had felt her protection before falling unconscious then she must still be awake while all of them were knocked out.

Then something must have happened after that and before their rescue but what was it?

Saphira remained silent not answering his question and only staring at her hand. He gritted his teeth before grabbing her shoulders and making her face him instead.

His eyes showed the unwillingness of letting this matter go just like that.

"If you don't tell me anything then I wouldn't know what else I should do. I wouldn't know how I should approach you. And I never wanted that Saphira, I never wanted to act as if I am here for you but I don't even know what I should do."