CHAPTER 43: That Same Questions These Days

Admittedly they also have prejudice against her, not because of her family background but because her inborn beast have died.

Is her strength enough to command the Platinum Knights?

But she had shown here that it was more than enough.

Plus with what they have heard of how she had lead the others into winning against different beasts as they travel back here.

They knew she has the brain and the strength of a commander.

Now, their surrounding were in commotion because of the strength she had shown.

Those looking down at her plainly because of what her sister have done, started thinking twice of when to throw their insults.

Yes that is the only thing that came to their minds, to think twice when to insult her.

But this little improvement is one of the reasons why Saphira asked Drake for a duel.

Nope she didn't only ask him because of his attitude.

Not only for the future working of their order but also to have the knights surrounding them to slightly change their view of how she will be as a commander.

If she were not voted for as the commender, she wouldn't even bother with this.

But there are times where the Platinum Squad will have to work with the other Elite squads.

If at that time, she gave an order and the rest won't follow, causing the operation to be jeopardized then that would be a problem.

It is better to address these things now before their operation were to start.

"You can hate me all you want," she started shaking her sword.

And when she did this, the blade broke into pieces.

She frowned before putting the remainder of the sword back to its sheath.

She picked up the blades that scattered before using her fire to burn it.

This was another display of her strength, only a few fire ability users could actually melt metal into evaporation.

Of course, this couldn't be used in battle because it takes time.

So while she was doing this, she returned her eyes to Drake.

"You can get angry at me, ask me for a fight but from now on, whenever we are on a mission. I am your commander."

After saying this, the metal had completely evaporated and she can feel awe coming from a few knights and she is sure that they are fire ability users.

Hunter noticed what she was doing and had the look of approval, 'She is taking her position seriously. I cannot fall behind.'

Not just him but even the heads.

"She is changing people's view of her on her own. Without needing anyone's help," Reginald commented.

"If she were not the commander then she would have left everything as is. She would have done this at a later date and at a different approach," Asherton answered.

A later date because she has no desire to let go of her position as the crown princess.

Just as Gideon asked her the day before yesterday, her grandfather asked her the same question the night before.


"Why are people asking me that same question these days?" she asked him back when the two of them were sparring at the training ground of their place.

Even Carmilla and Archie were present and they were looking at her with anticipation when Asherton asked her this question.

"Just answer it," Asherton answered.

"Why? Do you expect me to let it go?" she asked again.

Asherton glanced at the couple who were leisurely drinking tea.

Both of them nodded at him.

He rolled his eyes at them in return.

Usually this was a talk between parents and child but his family was different.

Archie and Carmilla pushed him to be the one asking about this.

"Not expect but we all know the trouble you are going to face," Asherton replied.

Saphira sighed, "I am not letting it go grandfather. Even if it is you who will stop me."

"Do you really-"

"I can do a lot of things for the people to acknowledge me. I can start with little things and then bigger achievements."

Before Asherton could ask that question that Gideon also tried to ask.

Saphira conntinued her answer not wanting to be asked by that.

Just as she had said to Gideon, that is a topic for another day.

Asherton rolled his eyes at her this time, he does not understand why it was a topic for another day.

But because that is already a personal thing of hers, he will not push through with that.

"People might think that you became the commander because of the favor of the Emperor and your current position as the crown princess," he instead reminded her.

"Then I will show them my strength. I have already planned that out, the reason why I called for a meeting tomorrow morning."

(End Of Flashback)

"I didn't expect she would be using their differences to her advantage," Stormie's father, Ernest Fletcher, said.

"She knows just when to make use of anything. A mind befitting someone who will lead," Nixon's grandfather, Chester Celeste, commented.

Ridge's father, Radcliff Amethyst and Willow's grandfather, Truman Virescent, agreed to what he had just said.

Asherton looked at Ferdinand, Ferdinand laughed, "What of it? She made use of it in such a splendid way. Why would I get mad? Plus it is a good thing for my grandson as well. He will have to think more carefully."

He looked back at the two of them who are still standing in the middle, "His hatred is getting the best out of him, this is a good lesson for him as well."

While they were talking about this, Saphira continued her lecture to Drake.

"We are not simple knights. We don't have the usual missions. We carry the heaviest duty. Cleaning up the darkness all over the world."

There is one thing she really need to ensure towards Drake.

That his hatred wouldn't run too deep or it would be too late for him once it took root in his heart.

Something she will never want to happen towards her precious friends.