CHAPTER 50: I Am Pleasured

It was the truth that she was being angered but there is one thing she was well aware of.

That deep within her heart, she knew she started hating them for trying to hurt her children.

She was stunned when Saphira pointed at her heart.

"No one is free from negative emotions but no matter how small, you must not nurture them. Because the more you do, the more it will grow to the point of you being unable to hold them back anymore."

Felissa felt like she was facing someone who is much older than her.

Someone who was not eighteen at all.

"Why don't we do it this way, your majesty," Saphira said after a while.


"Trust me..."

Saphira had a smile on but the glimmer in her red orange eyes was the same as when she was a child and spoke to her with confidence.

"And Hunter, trust us that we will be fine no matter what others may say. That they won't be able to hurt us and instead they will end up adoring us."

Felissa could not understand why she was speaking of this.

"So don't hate them. You can be mad but you don't have to hate them for our sake. I know Hunter would feel the same. The Emperor and even prince Gideon. All of them would feel the same."

Felissa's eyes shifted.

"They are still your family, your majesty. The line between love and hate is very thin. You love them too much and love the emperor and your children too much. That is why seeing them wanting to hurt your child, you have started hating them."

If anyone else were listening to this, they would be bewildered at how Saphira can use her words.

"But you don't have to worry, because they won't be able to hurt him. They won't be able to separate the two of us. And I will not give up on my position as the crown princess."

Felissa looked at her eyes and felt a heavy boulder being lifted from her heart.

It was as if a new light had penetrated it and she could face her family without the irritation she had been feeling.

Saphira noticing the changes in her smiled, "I will make sure you will not carry the burden of hating your family, your majesty. So please just trust me that everything will be fine. You can just smile at them if they still pressure you in changing your choice."

Felissa chuckled, "I really made the right choice of having you as my daughter-in-law."

"I am pleasured."

Felissa came here to check on her but in the end it was still Saphira who supported her.

Hunter slowly woke up after another hour.

He was stunned to see the two of them giggling with one another.

"What did I miss?" he asked while brushing his hair up.

When he did, it was picturesque.

"I must say my son is really handsome," Felissa commented.

"I don't think I will say no to that, your majesty," Saphira followed.

Hunter instantly frowned, "What are you doing here mother? Don't you have things you still need to do?"

When he checked the time of the day, he frowned even more, "It is already past noon. You have an engagement with the official's wives in half an hour."

Felissa instantly pouted, "You demon. You always take away my fun."

Nevertheless, Felissa still stood up and patted her dress.

"It was fun and relaxing speaking with you after so long. Do come and visit me from time to time while you are still here," she said to Saphira.

Saphira bowed down towards her, "I will, your majesty."

"Goodbye now then."

Felissa left after that and the two of them were left alone once again.

"She came here without anyone?" Hunter grumpily said.

"That is a normal thing for the Empress, don't be too hard on her," Saphira replied.

"What about you? Was she not too fuzzy?" he asked her.

"No, she was skeptical in approaching at first but I have decided to meet with her. She was uneasy at first but soon realized that I am currently doing fine."

Hunter nodded his head, before once again checking his time, "I have missed one appointment but I have another in an hour. I'll go ahead."

"Even if you missed one, at the very least you are able to have a proper rest," she told him.

He looked at her and chuckled before ruffling her hair, "I knew you didn't bring me here just to talk."

Saphira smiled before swatting his hand away, "Don't mess with my hair."

She watched Hunter leave before turning serious.

She turned towards the lake and closed her eyes.

'The whole Imperial City is filled with too much of it. This is suffocating,' she thought.

'I can't speak with each of them like the Empress. That is too much of a trouble. Plus I don't know them personally, how difficult,' she thought as she opened her eyes.

"Part of having emotions," she said with a sigh.

She started walking back after having this short time for herself.

On the other hand, Felissa realized something after she came out from her appointment that afternoon.

While she and the Emperor were having some tea time.

"That girl didn't answer my question," she blurted out.

"What do you mean?" Reginald looked at her with confusion.

"I was able to speak with Saphira and I asked her how she noticed that something was bothering me when you all didn't look like you noticed it. She answered that you must be used to how I always act."

Felissa frowned, "I was not asking that part, that you all must have been too used to my actions. But instead I asked how she was able to tell. She didn't answer that question at all."

Reginald raised an eyebrow, "You were being bothered by something?"

Felissa breathed out, "It was ladies talk. Just that I am fine now, it was a small thing."