CHAPTER 66: A True Self No One Could Truly Show

She turned to Truman, "Thank you sir."

She bowed at the rest of them and started walking out.

"But when will you speak with her?" Esther's mother asked.

"I will inform her for the day please wait for it."

Truman watched her and sighed.

He was aware of how his family had been and it truly saddens him that things are turning for the worst.

Esther's mother excitedly left in order to inform her friends about what happened while Daniel walked towards his father.

"Is that her reason for coming here father? It felt like there was something else," he spoke.

Just as they got close, he felt a different aura coming inside the room but when they did enter it suddenly disappeared.

"Be prepared son, things will turn differently for this family."

Though not understanding what was going on he started bracing his heart.

"What about Willow? Even though it seems that she and Esther are doing great after her return, I couldn't help but to still worry."

If he were to weigh his daughters, the one who still weigh more was Willow.

Not only because she was the host of Azure Dragon but also because she was the daughter of his most beloved.

He too wanted peace in their family that he couldn't show favoritism.

But he loves her more than his current wife and her daughter.

"She will be fine."

(End of Flashback)

"What is it?" Asherton asked.

"The look of her anger," Truman replied.

"But didn't we see it all the time before?" Reginald answered.

That is why it shouldn't be too much of a shock.

Truman shook his head, "It was way different, maybe because she had grown up. But it was frightening, it even sent shivers down my spine."

This shocked the rest.

A head of the seven family had shivers when he saw her anger.

"Those eyes and that aura, both are too frightening because you can feel immense power behind them. It was the same fear towards someone very strong who became mad."

They were confused, Saphira was indeed physically strong right now but she had weakened a lot ever since her in born beast died.

"She feels like a sleeping dragon," Truman said in the end.

"Well a feeling from a head is something we couldn't simply ignore. This means Saphira have indeed become stronger and knowing that means that we have better chance at the current situation of the world," Reginald nodded his head.

Asherton thought back to their sparring but didn't notice anything in particular about her.

But Truman pointed out something, though Saphira was the same as before showing her anger as she willed.

This time she was showing even more than that.

As if proclaiming, 'This is me. This is my anger, if anyone dared to cross a line then I don't mind showing you everything I've got.'

People tend to hide their ugliness but she had been showing it more and more.

Asherton didn't care if she is even uglier than this but it was a shock to him.

She had truly shown her trueself ever since returning.

A trueself no one can truly show.

"She did say she might blurt out a secret," Truman added.

He couldn't help but to think about that secret, a secret that can be hidden at the same time, no longer needs to be hidden.

"Is she talking about 'that'?" Reginald asked him.

"Could be, but I don't know how she found out about that as well," Truman replied.

They were all aware of it but Saphira was of Willow's age, a generation later than when the secret was made.

"I'll try and ask her about that," Asherton replied seeing all of them looking at him.

"Then there is another matter I want to discuss."

Reginald seriously looked at each of them.

"How about giving Saphira that beast already?"

All of them turned serious.

There had been a beast prepared since five years ago. A beast captured with the intention of giving it to Saphira being part of the Order.

Though being the commander was something they didn't expect, but since it was already there maybe it is time they give it to her.

"I will inform her about a talk once the current matter is over," Asherton replied.

"Together with the fact that she knew a secret no one should have known other than us and the person involved," he added.

That is a serious matter that no one stopped him.

How did it happen that she found out?

No one spoke of it and the people involved back then were almost gone.

"Don't be too hard on her, no matter how she knew, she only decided to bring it forward because my granddaughter was placed in danger," Truman then said.

"I know," Asherton said.

"It seems that the young lady will never get mad when it involves herself but will do everything once the others around her were the ones involved."

This comment came from Ferdinand Alphius.

They all sighed, this proves that they actually no longer really know their children and grandchildren somehow.

"Come to think of it, there was such an incident right. From a week ago regarding the crown prince," another commented.

"Please don't remind me, I had a lot of head ache because of that. Thankfully sir Kyne was there and had proved that those people truly did something unforgivable," Reginald replied.

"I suppose partly that was our fault," Asherton then said.

Reginald shook his head, "No, those people were the only ones at fault. Whether it was your family or not. They raised their swords against a commander. And even though they were the ones at fault, they still chose to push the blame to someone else."

The others nodded their heads.

Saphira was still kind enough because she simply wanted to revoke their positions.

Even though what they really did was something worthy of death, something that Hunter gave rightfully.

They sighed once again, the times have truly drastically changed so much.