CHAPTER 81: Jealousy Is An Ugly Feeling

As a person among the top of wind ability users, Ernest could tell just by breathing alone even with how dark it is that Saphira was already too tired.

"I ask of you please lend her a spot where she can relax with your barrier," he then added.

"What's with this sudden request cousin?" he asked trying to cover up the irritation he was having.

"I just want to help even just for a bit. In a battle that no one can truly help with," he replied with a defeated look.

Lancelot always saw his cousin with a strong pride and stoic face.

He never saw him looking like this, not even towards his own children.

"Well, just let her rest here without anyone disturbing her. I'll take my leave now," he then added before leaving the knight even more confused.

There is one thing that the four of them are noticing.

The heads were all acting as if they were walking on egg shells around this girl.

It was as if they were scared that they will hurt her with the littlest of things.

The four of them had been talking about it, what is it that the heads and Emperor are keeping quiet.

But they are in no position to ask anything and could only follow.

Still because of the special treatment that the rest of the people couldn't see.

He couldn't help but to feel jealous.

The special treatment of Saphira being watched over by all of the heads.

No one has this kind of treatment.

Some were even being ignored completely.

That is how high the heads are, yet this one lady.

It is indeed a fact that she was a descendant of one of the families.

But compared to the others, the attention she receive is much more.

'Just what is it about her that could receive such treatment?' he thought.

'Even my cousin was looking after her,' he gritted his teeth.

To be honest he didn't expect that his indifferent cousin would want to help the young lady ostracized by many.

That and of itself made him feel something unpleasant in his heart.

After he had left, Saphira opened her eyes and looked at the sky, startling once again the knight on duty.

'Jealousy is an ugly feeling. I never wanted to receive such but why am I receiving it when I am not doing anything in particular?' she thought.

Still since she was given a chance she chose to really sleep her tiredness away.

When she opened her eyes again, it was already night time and standing near her was not the knight but it was Hunter instead.

"Was it that late already?" she asked standing up.

It seems that the wind barier had long been gone but she was able to continue her deep sleep because Hunter was there beside her.

"No, we all just finished our tasks," he replied still looking at the forest.

"It seems, our departure time is nearing," she stood up and faced the forest as well.

"What do you mean?" he asked her.

"Just as what it means, our mission isn't simply in this place but the whole world," she replied.

Before he could ask more she pointed at the forest before them.

"When we first arrived I realized that this place has the most demonic beasts. While staying here I realized that it was due to the negligence of those who are on duty on this side."

She looked back at him, "I had already reported that fact to the Emperor. The day before we were announced as the Order of the Seven Myths, I also asked him to let us train here."

Hunter realized that everything was actually prepared by her when they just arrived.

"Though I didn't expect that I would be the commander thanks to you."

He chuckled seeing as she was still holding that against him.

"Now, that the place is clean of the demonic beasts, it is near time for us to be going and really start our duties," she then added.

"Then before that, I will ask for another month," he said after a while.

She tilted her head to the side, wondering why he was asking for such.

"The Emperor's birthday is in a month. I think it would be inappropriate that the day was close and we decided to leave. It was the first party we'll be attending after returning and before leaving," he explained.

"Oh," she hit her forehead.

She completely forgot about all of those things.

Though another reason was because Hunter's training wasn't complete yet.

A month is all he need and he knew he would be stronger by then.

"Then I guess I will do one final thing around while waiting for that day," she then added.

"And what would that be?"

She smiled at him.

And he knew that smile very clearly, a smile she makes when she plans on causing trouble for other people.

"Just don't overdo it," he chuckled knocking her head lightly.

Saphira laughed, "You know me too well."

Him saying that she shouldn't overdo it means he knew that she might go overboard.


Two weeks after that talk, Saphira finally once again stepped inside the training ground.

Almost three weeks after her torturing Esther with her fire.

It's not that she did not want to come but she became busy with the preparations of their departure.

They went all over the Empire helping in eradicating the current number of demonic beast within it.

And now, she finally had the chance to do what she had wanted to do all along.

Yet she couldn't help but laugh when the moment she stepped inside the training ground, the whole place turned silent.

"Am I really that scary back then?" she asked Stormie who was with her.

They chanced upon one another outside of the training ground.

"I think you were, even I didn't want to remember it," Stormie replied.