'Are you being serious right now?' he asked in an agitated voice.

'I told you I started having my consciousness a while after she received me,' she replied.

'If you also have no idea then who will have it?' he asked with a sigh.

'What's wrong?' Light asked him.

'If we have more information on how the battle back then unfold, we may have more chances in winning this fight. But not even you have any idea,' Vermilion Bird replied.

Having no memories of their first host and then this spirit not having any idea how things unfold back then, they really are in a slump.

Light shrugged as she really has no idea about any of what he was talking about.

She was like a hatchling in this world even though she had her consciousness for about a year now.

Meanwhile, outside after about three hours of waiting, Gideon appeared with an earth and wood ability user.

"Gideon?" Hunter asked when Gideon went straight to him with a wronged look.

"You never listen to me," Gideon complained.


"When you called to ask what I really feel towards you, you didn't listen to my answer."

Hunter was actually dumbfounded.

That was months ago already and whenever he reported to their father, Gideon wasn't around.

It is not that he didn't want to talk to him, it is just that every time he calls Gideon wasn't there.

Can he control that?

"You have to listen to me, you are my one and only dear brother. How can I hate you? How can I not love you? I still remember just how cute you were as a child and the wya you follow me..."

"Here we go again," Saphira sighed.

Gideon was the all smile prince of the empire, he was mature and gentle looking.

But every single time, he was reduced to an overly doting brother in front of Hunter.

She looked at the two who joined Gideon in coming here.

She also gestured for Willow to bring over the coffin where Chester's body lies.

"Bring him back home now, it is time for him to rest," she told them.

The two serious looking men suddenly bent on their knees in front of her.


She was completely stunned at their sudden actions.

"We thank you, for bringing back our brother."

Her eyes went wide, she had completely forgotten who the families of the elite squads are.

It didn't even occur to her that these two are Chester's brothers.

Looking at them, she can see that they are about two to four years older than her. Which means that they are Chester's younger brothers.

Younger brothers from his adoptive parents.

'Saphira, don't be too mad at them. Even with the way they treats you all, it was only because of jealousy. Because to some people they are very much genuine,' Raynisha once told ehr these words.

The reason she came up with the idea of bringing back their bodies.

But what she was confused was why were they acting so grateful?

Wasn't it known that the elite squad being reduced to this is because of her sister?

"Don't look too shock," Gideon suddenly spoke up behind her.

It seems he was done drilling to HUnter his brotherly love.

Because at this moment, Hunter looks too tired to even try to speak with him.

"My father had actually shown the whole empire the way you fought and punished the emperor of Draco Empire," Gideon said witha shrug.

Saphira was left agaped, she didn't like that kind of attention!!!

Why must the emperor do her more trouble?!?!

She grabbed Gideon's shoulders and looked at him with a smile but her smile was accompanied by a dark face.

"Tell your father to announce that what he ahd shown was but an act. Tell him I was simply lazing around back then and it was the others who did it."

Gideon's lips twitched, "Wha- What kind of request is that?"


Not just Gideon but even the other two who accompanied him jumped in shock when she shouted.

"I don't like the attention!! I don't like the attention!!! I DON'T LIKE THE ATTENTION!!!"

They almost tripped at nothing and choked at nothing when she complained this way.

"Anyway-" Gideon cleared his throat.


Saphira pointed at Hunter.

He sighed and shook his head before walking towards her and...


She was hit at the top of her head.

"We are not returning as of the moment, you won't receive any attention and sooner everyone else will think of it as something normal," he told her.


And with that, she calmed down.

Gideon felt a headache coming from this.

He had forgotten her character because of what they have watched her do in Draco Empire.

She was a lazy person who didn't like attention and would rather stay alone to sleep than meet people to socialize.

"Then, you should really return now," she finally said to the three of them.

The other two was completely speechless at her.

They haven't really seen her in person or interacted much with her because they were guards on a different kingdom under the empire.

Of course they heard of her family and what her sister had done.

But somehow at some point more and more people are starting to see her sister apart from her family.

That she was a different person and the family wasn't the one who did everything.

Especially after watching her protect the people from the emperor of Draco Empire.

Their respect for her increased ten fold.

But now, they are wondering if what they saw was but an illusion.

"Very well, you all should take good care of yourselves. We will be going back now," Gideon waved them goodbye.

"Once again thank you," the two brothers thanked the seven of them.

"No matter what, I am genuinely glad that he could finally truly rest," Saphira told them with a gentle smile laced with sadness.

They smiled and left while Hunter placed a hand on top of her head.

She has a person she really wanted to rest as well.

And she won't stop until she got what she wants.

@@@@@AUTHOR'S NOTE@@@@@

Hi everyone... we reached 100 plus power stones last week!!!! Thank you for the support!!!

This week we will lower the next levels of our goal!!!!

100 PS = 2 Chapters

150 PS = 5 Chapters

200 PS = 9 Chapters

250 PS = 14 Chapters

And so on....

Once again I look forward to all your support... comments and suggestions... ^_^