CHAPTER 236: For Some Unknown Reason

Upon returning to the barren land of Hydra Kingdom, they were welcomed with dark forces.

Their attacks were much heavier, their number was many that even the mythological beasts have to help in the attacks.

"This number indicates that other kingdoms have fallen prey," Saphira sighed.

The others gritted their teeth, they should be prepared for this, but the thought of the innocent people still being used to such, is still devastating.

As they attacked one after another, Hunter felt something and went to the side.

There were bodies there, bodies of people who were not part of the dark force, meaning they were attacked by these people.

But underneath the bodies is his purpose.

As an earth ability user, he felt it though faint.

Seeing his actions of digging through the bodies, Saphira went in to support him.

Those attacking him were defeated by her one after another.

No questions asked, she simply fought and waited to what he was trying to check.

And the moment he got out what he needs, she felt it too.

A life.

When she turned after slashing through another body, she found him carrying a lady.

Because of the surrounding darkness, she didn't realize it sooner.

But thanks to Hunter's ability, this lady was found.

The lady was breathing though weak, she opened her eyes very slightly and saw Hunter's face before she fell unconscious once again.

Hunter was frowning.

"Nixon!!" Saphira called.

Even though the lady was wounded, she couldn't feel darkness from these wounds. She didn't need to do anything.

Nixon rushed to their side as Hunter laid the lady on the ground before supporting Saphira in guarding her and Nixon.

Funny enough, the mythological beasts, hailed as the strongest among beasts were actually having difficulties with these dark forces.

They could have taken out ten at a time with one attack alone but due to the protection of the dark energy, their attack could only kill three people at a time.

As compared to demonic beasts, dark forces are much sturdier and can even evade.

Saphira focused on her front, she beheaded one before kicking on another.

A dead body slumped behind her without her looking back, Hunter had killed the one attacking from behind her.

She glanced at him and nodded.

This is the way the two of them fight.

Without thinking about their blindspot, they fought back to back.

Having each other's back.

They both turned after another kill now facing one another, then without speaking they pushed their swords forward, each killing another two that were behind each of them.

Nixon, who was closest to them, were aweinspired seeing their synergy.

They looked like they were dancing amidst the battle.

A dance of a pair that every step was executed beautifully.

Even the others couldn't help but to have a look when they realized their battle style.

They had always been fighting with demonic beasts that they have forgotten how these two works.

That once upon a time when they are training with a number of knights in their childhood, these two came out victorious for the seven of them.

Only because they were the last ones standing due to how well they fought together.

Fighting demonic beasts wasn't as tricky and mind working as fighting these dark forces.

Because if not commanded, demonic beasts would just rush forward to kill you even if they are to be wounded.

On the other hand, the dark forces will attack and evade and try to attack again.

They use their minds and they are stronger.

It took the whole lot of them an hour of continuous fighting before they were able to defeat all the hundred or so dark forces.

Saphira bent down and checked the lady that was saved, she felt familiarity but didn't know why.

After checking that she was fine and seeing that her clothes weren't that of a commoner, she turned to look at the others.

Ridge was looking at Hunter in shock and Hunter was frowning.

"What's wrong both of you?" she asked.

The others turned and noticed their reactions.

"No... uhmmm..." Ridge didn't know where to start.

"She looked like Elise," Hunter was the one who gave her an explanation.

All of them turned to look at the sleeping lady.

They knew of Elise from the stories of these two.

It was said that even as a child, she had this unique beauty.

With red hair and orange eyes that could captivate anyone.

Sadly, she was thin and died at a tender age of five.

A year before the rest of them met officially and started their training.

And Elise was the person that gave Hunter and Ridge a trauma, the reason for Hunter's current cold character and Ridge's obsession in making more potions.

"I see..." Saphira sighed.

She had a different shock in her eyes as compared to the rest.

But this shock went undetected by the others.

She took a deep breath, "Okay, you said she looks like her but you already said that Elise had died plus this person has pink hair and even her eyes when she slightly opened them a while ago was pink."

Ridge didn't say anything, Hunter was the same.

She can tell that they are remembering the past.

And she felt like she can't do anything about it.

Because a trauma will keep on hunting you as long as you can't overcome them.

With a sigh, she gave Reginald a call.

"This person, she doesn't seem to be a commoner do you perhaps know who she could be your majesty?" Saphira asked showing the lady who looked like Elise.

Reginald furrowed his brows before his eyes went wide, "Isn't that the princess of Atria Kingdom?"

Now this is getting more complicated.

Somehow the princess of a kingdom a few weeks away from where Hydra Kingdom was supposed to be, is here lying in front of them.

For some unknown reason, she wasn't back in her home and was on the verge of dying in here if they didn't arrive.