CHAPTER 249: So This Is Their Synergy

"It was not her fault she was distracted, it is because I picked the wrong time."

Nixon looked at Felix.

"You can confess anytime you want but it would be up to that person on hos she will handle it. In the end, you are unaware of the future and so why are you taking the blame as if you knew that an attack will happen today and she would be distracted? Taking the blame is not appropriate at all."

Nixon's words were simple but it felt harsh somehow and because he was the jolly type, it was still a bit of a shock to see him act this way.

Because even his playful eyes were gone but instead they were stern and serious.

Felix was left with no retort because he was right.

Him taking the blame will only put Stormie in a tight spot.

"Prepare yourself now," Willow walked up to him and said.

He nodded his head, there is no point in trying to think what he should have done and what he should have not done.

There is a fight ahead of them.

Saphira glanced at Nixon but she didn't say anything.

Stormie on the other hand, snapped out of her shock and clapped both hands on her cheeks.

She needs to refocus, she can't be distracted by such a thing now.

Fifteen minutes later, the strength coming from the dark force could be felt even more.

Hunter gestured an escort to take Elizabeth away with her maids.

Elizabeth was reluctant but she followed and soon the dark forces have arrived.

The pressure and miasma they brought was too strong but no one dared to back off.

Who would?

This is their fight, why would they run?

"Hey Nixon," Saphira suddenly called.

Nixon looked at her.

"Why don't we vent out some frustrations here? Are you clear minded?"

Her words were simple, if they are frustrated but remained having a clear mind, a good judgement, then this current situation is a good way of lettng off some steam.

Nixon finally grinned, "I accept your challenge, commander."

With that they moved forward.

The dark forces were indeed many and strong but their strength is still much more that they could hold the forces off at this point without anyone getting past their line of defense.

Saphira and Nixon started the battle and the rest of the escorts were dumbfounded.

Gwen was the most shock.

She had not apologized for what she had done and still remained having prejudice towards Saphira. But that is only because Saphira had not shown her prowess yet.

Even during the fights on the demonic beasts, Saphira wasn't involved.

Gwen even started wondering why Saphira became the commander when Hunter, the croen prince, was there.

Yet now, she could see that Saphira was truly a match they couldn't compare.

More like, even their generals will have difficulties towards her and winning might not even be the case.

Especially since Saphira was using her sword and ability simultaneously.

And her execution was very beautiful.

Gwen have also noticed something.

When the battle started, even though it was Nixon and Saphira who attacked first, Saphira didn't look behind her at all.

Not even once.

What was most shocking was the fact that even if someone were to sneak attack, he would be taken down by none other than Hunter, who had been by their princess side all this time.

'So this is their synergy,' Gwen thought seeing as Hunter wasn't looking behind him as well.

Instead every time someone attacks him from behind, Saphira was there to stop it.

As they battle, their mythological beasts were fighting with the demonic beasts.

The first number Qirin has now doubled.

"They must have regrouped along the way," he commented.

"Hmmm," Vermilion Bird replied.

Qirin glanced at him as he grabbed with his claws another demonic falcon before ripping it into two.

"I shouldn't be the one apologizing but-"

"Since you already know then don't speak. Your brat is capable in so many ways, he understands her very well but just like what Lily had once told me, he can also be her greatest emotional distraction."

Before Qirin could continue his words, Vermilion Bird interrupted him.

Qirin chuckled flapping his wings to push those small demonic birds, trying attack in groups, away.

Vermilion Bird did the same but this time, it was fire that engulfed those demonic birds.

Watching the two of them, one would think that they are just like their hosts, they compliment one another and their synergy was high.

"I wonder why she was holding it in," Qirin asked remembering how Saphira was obligated to show all of her negative emotions in the past due to the light ability inside her.

"It seems she was given a bit of a leeway after the ability hatched from its egg. As long as her negative emotion isn't too much then she can keep them to herself."

"And this time around it is her jealousy," Qirin elaborated the negative emotion that Vermilion Bird had spoken off.

Vermilion Bird looked at him sharply before attacking the demonic beasts once again, he looked like he was venting out some anger on these demonic beasts in front of him.

"She could just tell him," Qirin shrugged off his sharp look.

Vermilion Bird scoffed, "And what? Say she was jealous to a ghost of the past? When all she wanted was for him to overcome it even if that means him atoning his sins was for him to accompany the ghost?"

Qirin's eyes shifted, he watched Saphira as well and this is what she would really do for her friends even if it means that it wasn't really the right thing to do at all.

He paused before he once again spoke up once again and the words he uttered shocked Vermilion Bird almost causing him to make a mistake in his attacks.

"Then was the past the same? The one eight years ago?"