Assault on the Goblin Village II

"I think it's quite a good sign that so many of them are working on the village. They should be exhausted by nightfall. Perfect opportunity to strike!" Terren happily stated her opinion.

Roy nodded, before adding, "Not only that, but if they are rebuilding the village, it means they plan to make it a permanent residence. We need to be careful for innocents that are captured."

"I saw two goblins guarding each entrance to the village. It should be relatively easy to take them out, but we need to take them ALL out. My plan is to have each of us take one of the directions and wipe the guards out, then meet to kill the guards at the north entrance together." As Roy slowly explained his thoughts, the other two chimed in occasionally as they worked out flaws in the plan, as well as back up plans.

There were far too many goblins in this village for them to make a mistake, so all of them meticulously memorized their jobs.


As the orange glow of the sun faded away and darkness began its reign over the land, the group began to do their first task, wiping out the guards.

As they were normal goblins, Roy knew it wouldn't take much to kill them anymore. Taking two of his fingers, he pointed them directly at their ears.

'[Drill Shot]' Roy fired off the rotating tri-knives. They arrived at the goblins quickly, drilling into their ears, straight through the brain. Before even an utter was leaked, the two goblins were killed.

[Goblin killed]

[33 EXP Received]

[Goblin killed]

[36 EXP Received]


Hearing six kill notifications total, Roy slowly made his way over to the northern entrance of the village. As he did, he read the system log, hoping to see that Inbellis was ready to evolve.

[Enough Experience has been accrued]

[Level up 4->5]

[Enough Experience has been accrued]

[Apprentice Tamer Level up 13->14]

[Enough Experience has been accrued]

[Inbellis Level up 9->10]

[Required experience accrued]

[Lesser Shielded Isopod Inbellis Evolving]

{Evolutionary Choices}

Pill Bug

Shielded Isopod

'YES!' Roy internally screamed in joy. He immediately chose to evolve Inbellis into a shielded isopod.

Feeling the warmth spread on his back, Roy made sure to take extra care with his backpack. 'Congrats little guy, your're finally free of the lesser's shackles.' Roy smiled widely as he reached the designated location.


After a short while, both Solus and Terren arrived. When they approached, Roy happily whispered to them, "Inbellis is finally evolving."

"Congrats Roy!" Solus whisper-screamed, giving Roy a hug. She too was extremely happy that Inbellis was gaining strength.

"Let's not just sit here and wait though, we don't know when the guards change shifts, so we should take out these guys as well, then move on to the main event."


Inside the village, a single goblin shaman was drinking away, while his subordinates slept nearby.


"Rhy drid dah king haf tuh send meh all dah weh out here... I thought I wahsh one of his mosht promishin trialsh..." As the goblin drank his sorrows away, he began to lament at his comparative lack of talent.

"Damned Grintolk... jush cuz u becam a mage..." Fury and sorrow mixed together in this skinny, pale goblin as he began nodding off.

Soon, calming dreams of standing by his king's side, casting huge magic attacks, and winning many women played in his head.


"Status report on the villages surrounding the capitol?" Aslan looked down at his advisors, holding a cup of wine from the royal winery.

"Sir... Development continues on the villages as they repair from our attacks, but they goblins that were sent... well... how do I say this..."

"Spit it out." Aslan impatiently stared at the sweating gob.

"They are terrible craftsmen. Most of the 'repairs' are simply nailing boards to the houses. We need to train and send out proper craftsmen as soon as possible." After his report, the advisor sat down and waited patiently for his king.

"Hmm... Maybe we did rush it a bit too much. Have the craftsman fairies become teachers for the more dexterous goblins, and after their training, send them to the villages instead. For now, have the goblins stay in them for safe guarding. Those places may be in shambles, but they are still mine." Lifting his cup once again, his silk robe's sleeve slowly slid down his dark green arm. His muscles, pulsing with power, carefully settling the cup on his lips.

"Ah... Truly delicious. I have to hand it to those flying rats, the wine they brewed for Elements Day is absolutely fantastic!"



The muffled screams of the two guards rang out once more, though only audible to the three enemies that had caused them.

The three had successfully infiltrated the village, after taking out all eight guards.

Initiating the next step of their plan, Roy split off from the group and hid inside of one of the houses.

His part, waiting out Inbellis' evolution would be done within these walls. The girl's needed to slowly search the nearby houses, clearing out the goblins they came across as quietly as possible.

Patience was key in this mission, as one impatient movement could cause a noise and get them swarmed.

Slowly entering the first house, Solus readied her gauntlets. After taking a quick scan of the area, she noted the multiple goblins spread out on the ground.

Turning around, Solus lifted seven fingers to Terren.

Terren, nodding in acknowledgement, slowly stepped in as well.


One by one the necks of the sleeping gobs were sliced off, not allowing even a peep to leak.

"Time for the next one." Terren whispered, taking a peek outside at the row of houses they needed to clear.

"Roy will joooin sun." Solus tried her best to enunciate her words in Koboldese.

"Yeah, I just hope that the cocoon cracking is muffled by the backpack and walls. I have no idea how sensitive the higher evolution's ears are." Terren looked back at the corpses that were slowly leaking emerald blood forming puddles on the floor.

"Or their noses."