Forces on the Move

As the group continued their journey up the river, they kept their eyes peeled for possible places to set up their new camp.

Along the way, they found many caves and clearings, but they all wanted a hidden location, safe from prying eyes as they trained.

By Roy's estimate, it would take around one to two months at most for all three of them to evolve. The amount of tier one cores they had were enough to push all of them to tier two, but it depended on how many they each could absorb.


Hours of travelling began to wear the group down, so they decided to take a break. Solus pulled out some meat from her backpack and began nibbling on it, as Roy began whittling again.

As Roy whittled, he began thinking over what he was going to do.

'Should I hold off on my evolution? There is really no benefit to evolving right away, besides my new trait skill. If I stay in this evolution, I can try and get another trifecta achievement while I wait for the others to evolve as well...' Thinking back to the peak tier one fight he had a bit ago, Roy pushed the idea of killing a tier two as a tier one out of his head for now. Unless there was an opportune situation, like if the tier two was gravely injured, he couldn't see himself winning.

'I should take advantage of opportunities that are available to me. Since I have the time, I should train my agility especially. I have no idea how hard it's going to be to catch it up to my other stats, but doing it could save my life.'

Roy, completing his figure, sat it down near Solus. "Do you want it?" Roy asked with a light smile.

"Wow! What is it?" Solus asked, an innocent expression appearing on her face.

"Buhihihi! It's called a horse. It's fast, and has a lot of stamina, so it can run for a long time. They get used as mounts usually." Roy explained a bit about horses, as he picked up another piece of wood.

Solus picked up the small horse figurine, playing with it to the side, as Roy began carving once again.

"Let me know when you guys are ready to move out, I'm just doing this for fun so I'm already ready." Roy looked to Terren, before putting his focus back to his whittling.

'Such a calming pastime.' Roy smiled as he slowly carved the wood, bringing the image he had in his head to life.


General Ampharn, followed by his squad, proudly marched out of the capitol. The squadron remained silent and resolute as they made their way deeper into the forest.

Their mission was to head to every goblin controlled location on their way to Ohm Village. They were searching every location that the killer could show up at.

'We have a hunter with us, so even if you manage to evade us on our way, we will follow your tracks, and mercilessly kill you!' Ampharn's eyes slit, as he powerfully gripped his weapon.


Approaching the first outpost didn't take long, it was only a thirty minute walk from the capitol.

"Ah, General Ampharn, to what do we owe the pleasure!" A thick armed goblin walked out of the outpost, a big smile on his deformed face.

"Orders from the king, I am to visit all of the locations our people are occupying on the way to Ohm Village. It was attacked by something, and the leader was killed." Explaining his orders, Ampharn gave an inquiring gaze.

"Village leaders should have around a hundred goblins under them... To be able to kill them while they were within their platoon is unlikely..." The thick armed goblin murmered, before correcting himself and responding.

"There hasn't been anything out of the ordinary here, sir! To be honest, it's been a bit too quiet... Not even the stupid beasts have come near here recently." The big armed goblin carefully explained the situation, making sure to include every detail to the powerful general before him.

"Hmm... That is strange. I have my own mission to do, so I can't assist in this phenomenon. Have a messenger head to the capitol and inform the king of the situation."

"Yes sir!" The goblin immediately followed the command, sending out one of his fastest people.

"If that's all, I'll be going now. I have many more locations to cover along the way, and I need to make sure I reach Ohm before the trail runs cold." Without waiting for a reply, the general and his men moved out to their next destination.


"This! This is perfect!" Terren exclaimed, as she ran up to a giant tree.

The tree was sitting near a cliff, with a hole big enough to fit through, facing the cliff side.

It was well hidden, only viewable if someone was standing directly in front of it. Large vines, and tall grass created a natural wall, blocking sight of any who may get near.

"The opening is perfect, but the inside is a bit small for all of us. I'll need to carve out some space in the tree in order for us all to comfortably fit." Roy began smiling, as this reminded him of his days playing a certain voxel game.

"How long do you think it will take?" Solus asked Roy, as she too was looking into the hole. The inside was currently enough to only barely fit one of them. It needed a serious amount of carving in order to fit them, but she couldn't argue with how well hidden it was.

The only reason the trio found it, was because they were standing on the edge of the cliff. They were using the height to scope out the bottom for a good hiding spot.

"...I think it would take around a day for me to do it. Longer if I want it to be more comfortable, or add a second level. Luckily the tree is extremely thick." Roy estimated the time, as he walked around the tree. He was getting a feel of how deep he could safely carve, and how he would keep it from collapsing on their heads if it lost a large amount of its wood.

"I really think this is our best bet for now. It may take way more work than the hole in the ground, but it is in a much better place, the wind blowing up from the cliff can cover our scent and sound, and the foliage covers our bodies." Roy put his hand on the tree, as he looked up its towering bark. From where he was standing, the tree felt like an unbreakable fortress, just waiting to be claimed.

"I'll make some water containers, so you girls can gather some water, maybe hunt an animal if you find one, while I start carving!"