Flapping her damaged wings, the small fairy slowly climbed the side of the cliff. Making sure to make as little sound as possible.
Even with damaged wings, she could still reduce her weight as she climbed up, easing her burden. 'I bet big bro could have easily climbed this cliff...' A saddened expression crossed the small fairy's face as she continued on.
Reaching the top of the cliff, the small fairy slowly pulled her head up just enough to see. Entering her view was the small clearing on top of the cliff, and a giant tree with roots hanging off the side. 'They should be around here, right?' Looking around, she couldn't see anything out of the ordinary.
'Maybe they are in the foliage under the tree?' Sneaking up to the base of the tree, she pushed the large blades of grass to the side. As her view cleared up, an opening in the tree exposed itself to her.
"Roy, do you smell that?" One of the voices spoke in a language the small fairy had never heard before.
"I do, but it seems like they haven't noticed that we noticed." Another voice spoke in the same strange language.
"Should we do something? Whatever it is, is right in front of the opening..." The final voice spoke as well. The final one was using a mixture of Koboldese and whatever that language was.
'Should... do... whatever... opening... Oh no, do they know I'm here?! But I'm hidden perfectly! I need to run!' The small fairy darted out of the entangled weeds and foliage, dashing for the cliff. 'Almost back! I'll be safe once I reach the cliff!'
Unfortunately unlike the goblins, who, even when specialized in speed, are not unbelievably fast, the creature chasing her was.
A gust of wind blew as the figure shot forward, almost instantly arriving in front of her. She tried casting a slow spell, but to her dismay she didn't have enough time.
"NOOOOOO!!!" The small fairy screamed out in horror as she was picked up in a tight grip.
"LET ME GOOOO!!" She screamed out, tears rolling down her face. As she was bellowing, the mycellium from underneath their feet rose up! It slowly wrapped around the kobold that had grabbed her.
"Ugh!" The kobold felt a slight pain in her legs; looking down at the ground, she noticed that she was being entangled in white, fuzzy roots.
"What the heck?! Roy! Help!" The kobold screamed out. Soon a big orc came running out of the tree, an obvious fury plastered on his face.
"What the hell are you doing to my sister?!" The orc screamed at the small fairy, who couldn't understand him at all.
The orc ran up to the kobold and grabbed her, yanking her free from the roots as they slowly stretched up to grab her again.
Slowly these roots began growing all over the clearing. The orc, carrying the kobold in a princess carry, was attempting to dodge these roots.
The kobold in the meantime, continued scratching at the roots stuck to her legs, in order to free her bindings.
As this was happening, the other creature inside the tree rushed out. The figure lit in the moonlight, showed to be another kobold.
"Roy what's happening?!" The new kobold screamed out.
"I don't know! I think this fairy is doing it, but she doesn't seem to be able to control it!" The orc replied in the same unintelligible speech as the kobold.
"Try to calm her down! Maybe it's controlled with emotions or something!" The kobold spoke a final time before looking around the area for a safe location.
"Shit... I don't know fairy language yet, how am I supposed to calm her down!" The orc screamed in Koboldese out of frustration to his disappearing teammate.
"Huh?" The fairy's eyes shot wide.
"C-calm me? Why so you can eat me?!" She screamed back, using Koboldese.
"You speak Koboldese?! No! You sneaked up on our base! Why would we want to eat you?!" The orc exclaimed with a frustrated expression.
"Y-you don't? You don't work for the goblins, right?" The fairy asked, wiping the tears off of her face.
"I have two women with me, do you really think I'm with the goblins?!" The orc shouted in shock.
"Oh..." The fairy, finally calming down, lowered her head. The roots all around them began retracting, and the ones stuck to the kobold's feet loosened.
"Thank you for stopping whatever that was." The orc thanked the small fairy, who looked to him with suprise.
"An orc, thanking someone? Aren't you supposed to be super proud and scary?" The tiny fairy looked at the orc, confusion laden on her face.
"I don't know what types of orcs you've seen, but no, I'm not like that. My name is Roy, the one holding you is Solus, and the one HIDING OVER THERE ...is Terren." The orc named Roy shook his head.
"It was a tactical retreat! I knew you had it covered!" The kobold laughed as she approached.
"Ah! I'm Nocturna, I'm sorry about before... I... I got infected by this stuff when I was hiding in the cliff, and now it became a skill, and I don't know how to use it." The fairy then slowly explained her situation to the three strangers before her.
"I was in the capitol when the goblins attacked. They were fended off at first, but then all of them suddenly got a lot stronger and destroyed the defenses.
Me, my mom and big bro were in our house when it happened... All the slaves of the kingdom were suddenly freed... They..." As she started recollecting her family, the small fairy began tearing up.
"They killed big bro when he tried to save my mommy. I was hiding when it happened, I did what big bro said! Then when the goblins left my house, I ran away as fast as I could. I've been running and hiding in the woods for I don't even know how long." Looking down at her dirty hands, the small fairy finally released her pent up frustration.
"Then when I finally thought I escaped the hunting party! Finally free! I got attacked by this fungus stuff in my sleep! Whenever I use it I get massive headaches. It hurts so much! All the plants are talking to each other without really talking, and it feels like my head will explode!" The small fairy screamed out, gripping her head tightly.
Hearing everything that had happened, caused the orc to leave his mouth agape. He collected himself, before speaking.
"Come inside and have a good rest. You're safe now, we won't hurt you." Roy calmly and softly spoke to the small fairy, as he turned around and headed back inside.