|| " Nice save Bro " ||

After the incident with the prank, Hydra's father started visiting her more frequently. He seemed concerned about her wellbeing, and he wanted to ensure that she had friends to talk to.

Aloy, her faithful maid, had been a great comfort to her, bringing her chocolate cake every day and listening to her problems. But Hydra's father wanted her to have friends of her own age, preferably from influential families.

One day, he came to visit her with a large book in his hands. Hydra was curious about the book, and she asked him what it was.

He told her that it contained the names of all children belonging to the current generation of the Empire. He then asked her if she wanted to make friends, and she eagerly replied yes.

Her father handed her the book, and she started flipping through the pages. She saw the names of many children from powerful families, such as Duke Elrod, Duke Austina, and Countess Rose.

As she read through the names, she realized that she needed to make a friend circle with powerful yet easygoing people.

She decided to add Lancelot to her list, but she wanted to add more people. Luke Elrod seemed like a profound scholar, and Su Juri, the daughter of Marquess Arin, and her mother from Jinchuo, the eastern continent, seemed like a good option as well.

However, she didn't know anything about their personalities, and she couldn't trust her own judgment.

Meanwhile, Hydra's suitors, Ares, Luke, and Elias, were having a conversation with their father about their mission to gain her love.

" You doofuses ! Have you no sense ? Reon's son already attempted to court the princess , while you three hunks sit around all day and do nothing !? I swear upon my Life , If anyone of you three skunks successfully court the princess I will left you leave the dukedom !?"

Now , for the Three children this was quite the offer , why ? Because they all wanted to escape from the extreme regime of work that their mother imposed on them , Especially Ares .

Ares spoke up

" But we are young and what if the princess finds us intimidating or too young. Honestly Lancelot would be a better fit for her since he excels in most areas, and more importantly his father was known for his flirting techniques , so it would make sense if Lancelot courted her , You on the other hand took three WHOLE years to ask mother to marry you and Bless her soul because if she said no , you would still be a bachelor "

Elias whispered to Ares for

"Nice save bro"