The Innocent princess

" so you are saying All of duke Elrod's sons are weird …" Hydrancea asked with great suspicion , All of them seemed rather fine to her , where was Lancelot's reasoning coming from ?

" yes all of them a weird , the eldest Ares is super scary and is huge killjoy " Lancelot explained with a certain passion for gossip and intermingled with his great oration was feelings of extreme hate or trivial hate ? Hydrancea couldn't pin point , but she was damn sure that he had something against them , so his words were based of bias and henceforth , in this situation completely useless .

" the second Eldest , Luke is an arrogant man , he looks down on people who can't meet his Intelligence " Hydrancea could say he was saying this from personal experience but she didn't know it Lancelot was really smart or had a peanut for his brain .

" and the youngest , not the brightest bulb in the box but has extremely good sword fighting skills , but unfortunately he cannot win against any of the princes " With a relatively relaxed tone , Lancelot explained about the youngest , Looks like the youngest is uninteresting as hell .

"so the morale of the story ? they are all shits "

Lancelot said with a smiling face , an unnatural , creepy smile that said 'This is the absolute truth and nothing else' but it also screamed 'Lies with a huge red flag near it'

" okay okay one last question is are you willing to help decode my mothers diary , something tells me she is from Earth "

" Ah the late Empress , sure I'll help "

he said cheerfully

" but under one condition, I need a gold coin every time I help you "

" Cheap shit fine , now get out "

"hey I need a gold coin for the agreement "

Hydrancea took a gold coin and threw it at him

" aren't you a Duke's son !"


at the chancellor's manor that certainly didn't meet the

" Adrien do you want to meet the princess "

"isn't she paralyzed?"

" true , but the emperor goes on about how she is going to be present for the imperial ball "

" interesting , sure father I want to see how the princess is going to survive aristocracy "

" damn my ear is itching , someone is talking bad about me humph ".


It was normal day of sunshine and chirps but Mary wasn't there .

" Mary are you there?"

Its has been at least 4 hours since i woke up and she hasn't come to tend to me yet .

Suddenly the an entire squadron of people in golden armor walked .

"uh I am I getting executed for eating one apple more ?" I asked in a frightened voice

Right then Father walked in .

"Dad !! what are you doing here ?"

" hydra listen to me , where is your maid "

" ah.... she hasn't come here ... yet !"

" WHAT !! "

I looked at the crazy emperor , who looked even more crazy now , there was murderous intent in his eyes.

" Dad did Mary do something wrong "

He ignored me and called Miss Arin , the imperial doctor

" miss Arin please check Hydra's mana veins in her legs "

" yes your majesty "

She immediately started checking my legs fir a long time and then sighed

" your majesty ..... she has full developed it yet "

" What ! why ?"

" well it seems that the rest of her body can control mana , till what extant I cannot say but .. there is something blocking her veins in her legs "

" Why"

" because of the poison she was being fed "

" WHAT" I screamed

" poison !? Mary wouldn't she only gave a medicine every morning "

Miss Arin turned towards me

" your majesty the first princess , the star of the empire can you please tell me what medicine she fed you "

" I don't know its name but it was a black murky liquid that tasted bad , she said that was because the herb was black and mixing a lot made it bitter and murky "

" Did you have headaches after taking it "

"um .. you can't call them headaches , it was really painful sometimes , but now that I am used to it , It doesn't hurt anymore "

" your majesty , That maid fed the princess xeox, a deadly toxin developed in some mutated herbs , the pain from the headaches must have lead her to have some temperaments , the actual toxin was used to block her growing manal veins , thank goodness we found out otherwise it would have been irreversible , and would have started attacking her fully grown veins which would have made her unable to even use magic "

This startled me .

My face turned ashen , that women was fooling my and then poisoning me .

" dear daughter I know you want her to live , but this is treason !"