I found the spirit I love the most !

" So you nervous ?"

" No , what can they do to me ?"

"kill you "

" not scary anymore"

" damn your twelve and this is deep"

" virgin " Hydrancea said as she was finally in position to summon a familiar

She was curious which sort of being would attempt to make a contract with her ? what if there aren't any ? what was she going to do then ?

" So what am I supposed to say "

" Say something thought provoking that can attract this beings "

" What did you say ?"

" I want die being crushed by thighs "

" you Bastard of a Grace "

" the fuck does that even mean !?" Lancelot asked puzzled

Hydrancea closed her eyes and was left with one thought in her mind

" Mud will be Mud no matter how much you knead it "

She opened her eyes and for a moment though about her sanity before murmuring the words conjuring the mana in her body

Suddenly she felt quarreling her in her head , she opened her eyes in astonishment

and when she did she saw a bunch huge animals and Humanoid creatures .

" uh . . . . " Hydrancea absolutely bewildered

The beings stopped Arguin and looked at the scared little hydrancea

" Oh my-"

" Told you , abyss you owe my money "

" F*ck no , I said she was blonde "

" you said she was black-haired you slimy Goose ball !"

" who the hell are you calling goose ball !"

" Hey there kiddo !" Hydrancea turned back immediately

" She's got some good reflexes"

" You literally called her name , Umbri "

" well no shit sherlock"

" who even are you all ?"

" We are spirits , Constellations and Beasts who wish to Make a contract with you "

" and If I refuse ?"

" well , we can't technically do anything about can we ? right now you have the strongest elemental Magic , its just that you haven't Unlocked it all , if you decide to reject all 200 supreme powers gathered here then , we will wait until you choose one of us" The Black spirit told her

" Lying bastard of A Lily ! . . . okay then answer a question for me "

" do ask me "

" If the The trio , the deer the rodent and the raven are all "technically " above the gods why can't they Help humanity ? I mean according to what the Elemental King told me during our back alley deal , Gods want to wipe of humanity of this certain world "

" well- I I don't know " the black spirit said

" its because of the divine laws " a humanoid creature from the back said , the creature had black hair and White eyes

" divine laws ?"

" Yes , divine laws , When an organism is created , there are certain laws of nature it has to adhere to , to survive in the environment they must follow the laws and in this situation The Entire ever-expanding Multiverse is the nature , It is the source of all life .

the The trio were the first Organisms to exist , And the Multiverse gave the organisms certain laws they have to follow and one of them is not fighting with Its siblings , the siblings being Gods and constellations . The trio helping humanity of Euphoria will be considered as acting against the gods , of course knowing the arrogant nature of gods they will pretty much complain .

Even if you are an almighty deity , dying will be fatal If the trio dies then all creations of the Trio will fade too and Chaos wants Its Creation to live in peace and will go to extremes to maintain that, But chaos is naïve-"

At this point all the beasts were shocked , the spirits and constellations were shocked

" please continue " Hydrancea urged the Creature " I want to know "

When she realised the creature was not going to speak anymore she decided .

" I'll make a contract with you !"

" huh !?"

" Yes ! Tell me about Everything and I'll make a contract with you !"

" Kid , do you realise what you are saying ? , I can be a low-level spirit for all you care !"

" well, First the other spirit over there told me that 200 powerhouses are her Meaning you are either a Powerhouse or that black spirit just lied to me , Secondly to know so much about chaos and its creations , you should have been Rather close with it and to have guts to call the creator of all life naïve , means you aren't Some random spirit , my analysis better be correct or this going to be humiliating "

The creature looked at Hydrancea with awe , how the hell did she say so much in such a short time!? she puts that rapper on the other world to shame !

" well , you are correct "

" then continue ! the reason you are here is to make a contract with me right !?"

" well how about an introduction ?"

" Information before introduction "

The creature had given up

" chaos is Naïve because , you see it believes that its current creations are peaceful , but all the god are doing are putting up a false pretence of peace , they are all on thin ice , ice that will crack any moment and that's when Chaos will ensue , the Orthodox demons will aim for Destroying the world tree , the Roots of the world tree are the reason beings like grotesque haven't arrived "

" grotesque ?"

" The Multiverses are infinitive , meaning there are more chaos's and beings like it living , The tree hold on to something called "Klasis " its the element of the Chaos itself , Its unattainable by humans gods or even Creatures of other universes , Once the Klasis is removed Aether and miasma will start going haywire , and slowly chaos will itself tear and die "

" . . . "

" and when Chaos dies , everything that exists in this world will also die, Gods , constellations and mythical beasts won't be able to escape it "

" why does it feel like you have personally experienced it ?"

" well - MAKE A CONTRACT WITH ME ALREADY I SAID EVERYTHING I KNOW !" The creature said finally losing its cool

" fine , give me an introduction "

" I am Khas , the spirit King of the mysterious "

" mysterious ? what's that ?"

' don't play with me child , you already have an artifact made of condensed void matter "

" I do ? Ok whatever My intuition tells me you are strong , Stronger than Kyrois for some reason and I will believe it , I hydrancea Adelle celeste will make a contract with you !"