First Step Towards Firm Standing

" So your telling me , when you could have chosen A MYTHICAL BEAST YOU CHOSE A SPIRIT KING " Lancelot screamed at Hydrancea , But She wasn't listening , Forget spirit Kings she Had met the king of all elements himself .

" yeah so ? You chose a moose and a wolf ? My handsome Spirit is way better "

" Oh really does your spirit have Flaming Horns and a starry tail ?"

" Well He is the ENTIRE FUCKING GALAXY . B*tch "

" Oh . . . . " Lancelot didn't even Bother Asking if It was true , ultimately is was disappointed in his choice of Beasts , He could've contracted the Various High level spirits that offered their Power . Unfortunately " Entire Fucking Galaxy" was also an Understatement.

" Anyways , what's the business pattern in the Empire ?"

" Well I don't know "

" really ? No stock market knowledge , Bitcoin ?"

" No . . . . "

" At least do you know , what most popular right now ?"

" uh , Clothes ?"

" Ok Ok , lets take it slowly . What .Type. Of. Clothes. ? "

" Um Corset dresses ?"

" Oh Ok "

Hydrancea just started Thinking about popular fashion styles of the Victorian Era , Personally Objects that maid a specific shape for the Skirt . The crinoline For example helps the skirt look more puffed and 'Elegant' But it was also extremely Flammable , There were many Cases of Crinoline Fires , And even if Realize that I never knew about the fire , How on Earth will I sit on a Wheelchair with a Crinoline , It would be um Humiliating .

Other than that Introducing a style would need a lot of Advertising . And as a princess Who hasn't been introduced to the world yet , it will be hard , even with the title of princess .

" Lancelot When is the Royal ball ?"

" Well , The Date differs every year , But-"

" But ?"

" It celebrated during the new year that means about 6 more months " he said

" I see , meaning the winter season ?"

" Of course-"

" Shut up I am thinking , speak anymore and you'll lower my IQ"

After a while of thinking hydrancea finally looked up at Lancelot who was now sleeping , his eyes were closed , his Black hair was Looked so pretty

" Um Lancelot "

" AHH ! I DID NOT EAT THE LAST MACRON MOM !" He screamed as he woke up

' I can't believe myself '

" Um Yes hydrancea ?"

" well I think we should Invest in the Healthcare Industry "

" Healthcare ? Excuse me , since when were you a Doctor "

" I don't care , Healthcare has always been a Dominant industry , There is 6 months for the Ball as you said designing a dress ain't that hard , But coming up with antibiotics will be hard , Medicinal discovery is what would help The World Improve . "

"with memory of Hydrancea There have been three instances when the Empire was helpless , the House of Sunt releasing the Mortina Complex , that still affects the Empire in the rural areas , then the Apollina Vigil and the last , the spirit Plaque or the Nerida Loimos , all of them affected the Empire's economy and almost succeeded in Toppling the Empire , without various advances in magic taming these epidemics would have been impossible "

" yes you are right " Lancelot was thinking about the Medication for the Spirit Plaque , It was Bottle of condensed mana

" Exactly the underlying problem is that The Healthcare of the Empire lacks , Everyone believes that Magic can prevent everything , But not everyone can go forth with Magic , Since the relatively low Mana awaking rate of this world "

" What are you coming to ?"

" Well I want to investigate All sources of Mana right now "

" Why ?"

" To show its disadvantages of course , To show all the magic wielding Noblemen and noblewoman That magic can't solve everything "

" Why don't we do it within the week "

" I just manifested and it was a week long , me Presenting Something that Shows magic is not everything would sow doubts into many of aristocrats , of course to reduce the effect of Mystery around the " Princess " We will have to do it Right before the Ball , More people will use the subject at that point which help to publicize the subject "

" You Overthink "

" Its better to Overthink and be prepared for all the Ways the situation could Start and End "

" So Healthcare it is ?"

" Of course its just the beginning "

It was truly just the beginning for the Wonders that Princess Hydrancea would bring.