An actually Smart Female Lead Vibes

While Hydrancea and Lancelot were waiting and thinking about who was coming in absolute silence , Hydrancea heard the door slightly opening

She immediately Turned and saw the Single Most beautiful Woman she had ever seen , Deep Red eyes , Black hair that reminded her of Utter darkness , Damn.

" greetings Your Highness , I am Lilli Cantrola " Lilli said as she bowed to Hydrancea

" You Must be my cousin , Nice to meet you Lilli , How may I entertain you ?"

" Well , I want to speak about your paralyzed legs " She said in a hushed voice , Like she knew how sensitive hydrancea was towards the topic .

" Well then Lets hear it shall we " Hydrancea said in great joy . Something that could heal her legs ? That is going to priceless !.

Lilli was temporarily Surprised by her cousins Positive Reaction towards the Matter .

" Well " Lilli Started " Maybe , we could do it ALONE "

Hydrancea was confused wasn't she alone ?. . . OH . . .

She looked towards Lancelot who was now looking at Lilli with great interest

" Go on get out " She said

" Huh- Wait What ! Why do I need to get out !?" Lancelot looked like He was outraged

" You heard the Fair Maiden , She wants to be alone with me "

With hydrancea Weird phrasing ,Lilli's ears were turning Pink , at it was even more noticeable because of her fair skin .

" oh Ok " Lancelot rushed out of the room and slowly shut the door behind him

" Sorry about him , you were saying "

Suddenly Lilli's gaze turned sharp and Her face became serious

" Princess , I discovered a Mana stone Mine "

" I see . . . " hydrancea was thinking about The price about Mana stones

" The Merchants guild and Mage tower has offered about 300 Million gold "

Hydrancea almost choked on her saliva ,' that much f*cking gold !? , Is the Imperial Family even that rich !?'

" I know For the princess , Such a huge amount is nothing "

Hydrancea wiping Sweat oh her head

" After all All your clothes Are worth more than the Entire Kingdom of Sumire and Sumitra combined "

" oh-oh dear its a little hot inside isn't it ?" Hydrancea Asked


While Hydrancea was Cursing her own ignorance , Lilli Took out a Parchment from Inside Her corset . Hydrancea Just looked own as she took it from inside her corset with absolute Awe.

Lilli saw Hydrancea fretting and Felt genuine Worry

" Are you okay . . . .cousin " She said bashfully

" Uh-Lilli Please refer to me as Hydra ! We seem quite Distant if you call me formally " Hydrancea in hurry

" Anyways , here is the plan " Lilli returned to her Serious persona and explained

" Since you have awakened you mana this will be easier . . . . Princess Since You are being cleared of the drug that 'that' maid fed you , Your Mana nerves must have cleared up , The reason you are paralyzed are because of your Nerves Right ? Since I am not Proficient in the Medical field I could not come up with a Permanent solution , But I designed a certain pill with Mana stone , Right now I do not want to test it on you "

" What does this pill do exactly ?" Hydrancea asked Now completely Consumed by her Business-personality

" It creates enough Mana to Help you walk "

" Do you mean instead of working on my nerves that are a lost hope , you want to Work on my Mana Nerves that can maybe Make me walk temporarily ?"

" yes . . . But rest assured I will not test it on you Only after Supervised Trial and error will I bring you the Perfected version !" Lilli said

" Sure , you can do that , But what do you want in exchange "


" You certainly wouldn't come here with something like this just to help me out of goodwill , after all You belong to a family of merchants who have connection with the Black Market " Hydrancea said


" Finish it of Lilli , Tell me what you need . You have Been brought up by my Aunt , A woman who was able to deal with Delia Ruches and Strike back at her is certainly no ordinary Woman "

" Ah . . . " Lilli Looked flustered , Her sources mentioned Princess Hydrancea being Naïve and Upset all the time

Hydrancea read Lilli like an open book

" Maybe Its time to Update your sources , Lady of Cantrola " Hydrancea was getting scarier and scarier to Lilli

" Don't worry I trust you But tell me " Hydrancea was getting impatient

' She taking too much of time ' To hydrancea No matter who it was , How valuable they were , Until she completes the goals set in her mind , Everyone would be a menace . A menace to her .

" I want to Be your lady in waiting " She said

" Why ?" Rather than being surprised Hydrancea questioned her Motives , the Lady-in-waiting of the only Princess of the Biggest Empire of the Discovered continents is huge Title , And for Lilli to ask her this , she needs to do something requires a position that grants her lot of power .

" I want to become the successor to the Cantrola Duchy

Hydrancea wasn't surprised by this and was even guessing it .

" Who else is in the line ?"

" My step-brother Argus and my Younger brother Adonis "

" I see , any titles ?"

" Argus is the commander of the Ursa Fleet and Adonis is an emissary sent to the Shen empire and the Member of the Flower Knights "

" Commendable titles they have received , I understand Why your doing this and give you permission , You Can get your hands dirty but remember to wipe it clean with no trace of dirt while coming back her " Hydrancea said " Now leave "

" yes your highness !" Lilli left the Princess room feeling incredibly Confident.