
Hydrancea Was sitting on a chair , She didn't move much , But she Was staring into oblivion. She looked tired .

She sighed.

" Khas , you there ?"

" Yes Master "

" I have some Important Questions for you "

" Ask ahead Master " Khas replied

" Are you Chaos ?"

" . . . " The Black Humanoid creature Now appeared physically in front of hydrancea , Hydrancea saw him in his Human for the first time , He had Pointed elvish ears , Moon eyes and Tanned Skin , he had sharp Vampire-like teeth.

" Are you chaos ?" Hydrancea asked once again

" Close relative of him . More of an Alter Ego " Khas Stated

" So even the Creator of a Multiverse has a Mental Illness " She joked

" Why did you call me " Khas asked Hydrancea , His previous Overly friendly demeanor was gone.

" What do you know about me ?"

" Everything , Master "

" Everything ? How convenient "

" Why? Master " Khas asked , why would she ask about Something like that ?, Wasn't it common knowledge ? .

" Then forget about it " Hydrancea said

" why ?"

" I used you for information nothing more , this world filled with more shit than before , too much to wrap my head around , to much to consider , to much to understand , and you were a Chess piece I used To help me understand . . . "

" So ?"

" Just like a spirit , of Condensed energy , so dense "

" You committing crimes to survive another day is not a crime "

" you speak like Song Yaru , in the End I let my Guard down and died "

"Well , Why do you think she wanted to kill you ?"

" Power , money . . . . Guilt ?"

" Maybe because she knew something you didn't " Khas muttered

" What could she know ?" Hydrancea's Red eyes were now shining dangerously just like her father , she exuded Authority , she didn't look like any Young princess , She looked cold and Angry Like a ticking bomb full of deadly emotions.

" Something about the future ?" Khas said confidently

" What , you expect me to believe she had clairvoyance !?, " Hydrancea burst

" Master , Quell your Anger , You aren't special "

" I Know , the moment I found about Lancelot I realized that I am not special there are probably Billions of people just like me , Maybe even more in the world "

" But they might not be like you "

" what ?"

" the gods wanted you to come to this world hydrancea- No Choi Yuri , Fate wanted you here , Celestials wanted you her , even chaos had acknowledged your existence , which he had for very few . "

" The Very ones who want to End this world , What a joke "

" There are always two side to a coin "

" there is always a third " Hydrancea defended