A series of Wretched Affairs

" Why did you propose that we make Anti-septic ? " Hydrancea asked

" Because I found out something " Lancelot claimed

" What ?"

" There is a flower called Panacea "

" ok ?"

" Dude a flower called panacea "

" ???"

" Bruh , Panacea"

" Oh that Goddess of health or something "

" Yes , finally Its pretty common in The Arielle Empire "

" That's a problem , becomes to accessible Hard to monopolise "

" Its only found in the North of the Arielle Empire in , the Bleu Marquessate "

" Then how is it common ?"

" It grows like weeds there "

" . . ."

"Hydrancea , We can do this !" Lancelot said , he knew very well hydrancea had many Ideas and Plans to put into Motion , yet none were ongoing and It could be his chance to prove to Hydrancea he was not a bastard of lily or whatever the heck that even means .

" Report "

" what am I supposed to report on ?"

" the Marquess of bleu "

" Oh ! he's a corrupt asshole with the monopoly over the Grimoire pages "

" what ?"

" grimoire pages , Its a special paper that is used to for Magical textbooks "

" Are they expensive ?"

" Very Much so That even the Temple Has to suck up to him to Give them discounts "

" The Archpriest does that ?"

" No of course he doesn't , he is literally the only good man in that temple "

" Are you sure about that ?"

" yes , very much so . Anyways since I want to Speed up this operation I Gathered enough Information to Put the Marquess in Jail "

" Lancelot "

" yes ?"

" I love you "

Lancelot was Staring at Hydrancea , His face slowly turning red as a tomato.

" So explain Buddy "

" Well , to be frank man's a human trafficker "

" Wow everything's easy these days "

" And his favorite after time is kidnapping imperial maids "

" . . . "

" Yes , He kidnaps them "

" So like no one in the Imperial family Questioned sudden disappearances of Maids ?" Hydrancea asked

" Nope , He has Dolls in the Palace "

" And no one questioned it ?"

" 20 years ago or so a Detective was found snooping around , when caught she explained that her sister had gone missing after coming to the Imperial Palace and that she had been Trying to find her . But her claims were quickly Nodded of as Lies and was exiled "

" Exiled to where exactly ?"

" To the East of the Empire , In the former Verte Forest which now a desert "

" Oh , so is she alive ? "

" Yes turning 40 this year . Her name is Cecilia Griselda , She was a Forensic Anthropologist Who was once a famed member of the Imperial institution "

" Forensic Anthropologists exists ?"

" Nope , one of a kind Probably like one us Maybe from the 90's ?"

" yes its is possible "

" So when we get the Panacea , then what ?"

" We just Dry it and add it to water It just becomes gooey , Its transparent and smells like Vanilla "

" Any disadvantages ?"

" If the dried powdery version is consumed in large doses then . . . "

" Then ?"

" Que the Panacea Drug Pandemic !"

" Crap , so then we should make sure The dried Version isn't Sold right ?"

" Making it illegal ain't gonna help "

" Making it Illegal with extreme Consequences Gonna help a little bit "


" Young master , why exactly are we supposed to use these dead bodies " Edward asked

" You said Bodies brought back by Necromancy retain Human characteristics right ?" Lancelot asked

" Yes , young master "

" Does that mean If I were to test medication on them , It would show the same results as on a living human right ?"

" Well it might vary with the soul not being in the body anymore , the body will decompose rapidly , a cold curse can fix that "

" Well then Edward what are you waiting for ?"

" My Power to recharge "

" Well then make it faster " Lancelot demanded

" I cannot Control the Natural flow of mana in my body "

" Well if you are able to be hypercompetent while you take car of my brother then It is possible to control the Flow mana right ? Aamon ?" Lancelot Said again in the snarkiest Voice in the Entire multiverse