The Flower in the Garden of Treachery

"It seems I have been found out "

" Yes , It seems that way "

" Why do you know my name , More exactly How " Edward asked

" My Beast told me " Lancelot said

" …" Edward was silent , He knew the risks of being a demon in front of a Contracted person , he also didn't think that Lancelot would have contracted beasts , It should explain the the surge in Mana and the Extreme Sense of familiarity he felt towards Lancelot .

" I don't plan on Interrupting whatever you plan on doing, because You seemed to have lost all the 7 seven seals of Chaos on your body , which means that you have been forsaken by the demon realm , In fact I would as far as to help you as long as you help me back "

Edward remained silent . The boy knew everything , He already wrapped his mind around the various Happenings of the World , He might not even be from Earth , Not Haru not the one He had summoned .

" You truly are a great actor young master " Edward said " but What I need , is not something some mortal can give , hell not even the demon king of this world can do it , what can you do ?"

" What about a demon king from another world ?"\


" Father I wish to Become duchess of Cantrola " Lilli declared at the dining table.

" . . . "

The room was silent , no one spoke , It had seemed as if even the Wind had stopped it blowing .

" Lilli , you aren't in the Ascension " Saurian said as she Put her fork down

" But , Step-"

" Mother " Saurian corrected

" yes, Mother As long as , Former duchess Chrysa's Blood flows through my veins I can become Legal heir !"

Saurian clenched her hand when Chrysa's name was mentioned

" Me and my brother a legal heirs ! Since brother Argus was recently added to the Family register and shares no blood with the Duke of cantrola Why can't I who Holds pure Noble blood Become heir !?"

" Lilli !" Saurian screamed

The Duke Looked at the hyperventilating Saurian from the corner of his eyes

" Lilli , If you want to become heir , you can , I will not stop you Because you are my only daughter "

" Lancaster , she's a Girl she will marry someone and become the noble lady that Chrysa's wished she would become "

" Lilli You can leave " Duke said

Lilli got up and left the room Very fast.

" Lancaster ! You always make me seem as the villain !" Saurian Whined

" Lady Saurian Claudus , Please maintain your dignity "

Saurian flinched It had been years since she had been referred to by that title , 'Saurian the Lame' that's what her name meant , Her step-brothers Darrius and Damnius Never Bothered to change that , Darrius Upon becoming Emperor Simply suggested marriage to a Dignified noble from Sumitra . Damnius on the other hand refused to even look in the eyes of Saurian because he believed she was the reason the Empress died .

" Lancaster I refuse to be in a relationship like Delia and the duke of Ruches !"

" Then Patiently wait until your death , "

" What !? "

" do you realise why I had accepted you ?" Lancaster asked

" . . . " Saurian knew exactly why

" Because then Chrysa's Begged me , that night before being Moved to the Swan palace in the Imperial palace , she said to accept You because she pitied you "

" If not for the pity that everyone felt for you , you would still be in some distant village married off to some ugly old man , you know that too "

" L-Lancaster . . " Tears streaming down Saurian 's eyes

The duke of Cantrola sighed

" Atlas , take the lady to the her chambers ".

Saurian didn't even wait for Atlas to lead her , she pushed the doors and ran way .

" That harsh ? you had to be that harsh on her Father ?" Adonis's Toneless voice was heard

" Nis , not now "

" Why not now , it wasn't even her fault that Mother ran away "

" Nis-"

" you needed someone to blame other than yourself , you wanted to blame Saurian for that " Adonis said .

Even though he was the youngest he knew very well that reality of the relationship with his mother and father and that it was not any fairytale , where Saurian was an villainess , Saurian was just an unlucky Lady who had gotten tangles in theirs , Saurian was extremely kind to Both Adonis and Lilli

Saurian Claudus was an innocent lady who had grown to become who she was now simply because of the negligence the duke showed her , her son was even more pitiful , He had to Pick himself from the ground many times , he was often ignored for duty and never had gotten A single meddle from father , and Lilli does not realise that she thinks that Argus will take her position as Heir .

" Adonis ! Keep it shut "

" See ? it didn't take long for you to show your real self " Adonis said sarcastically as he walked towards the window

" Now I realise why mother left , you really are egg-sucking jerk with no Understanding of people " and jumped out the window "

" Where the hell did he even get it from , Its surely from Chrysa's "