Blue or Red?

* Two days after the vaccination drive*

Why are you all wasting time? That's nothing to look at!" A very deep harsh voice broke the silence. I looked at him. He was a man in his mid-forties. He had greyish-black hair with a similar colored bushy mustache covering his upper lips. The appearing wrinkles guarded the cold icy blue eyes. They were almost hiding a secret. We were just standing and looking at the gates. They were quite extraordinary. The barbed gates stood on their toes, touching the zenith.

" Boy, come here." He motioned me towards him. "Let's get one thing clear, shall we? This is a fucking training camp, I don't want to see anyone of you lacking behind or wasting time. Otherwise, there will be serious consequences." He spat on my face. Without skipping a beat, he walked towards the entrance. Stood there like a leopard eyeing his prey.

"In five minutes, I am going to meet you all in the main arena." He acted like he didn't just shout at me for no reason and walked away.

" Aww...poor Char Char just got busted". A very annoying blonde roach screeched in my ears. Great, if only this day could've started any better. I turned around and there he was. The one and only, my dearest Cole. He is a brat and no one can ever change my mind.

"Seriously, is that necessary?"

" Oh yeah, very much. You little shit. We haven't even started yet and you're failing." He smirked at me.

" You know what? Fuck you. I got other shit to deal with than someone like you who thinks depending on your parents is a flex." I was about to turn and leave. When someone kicked me at the back of my knees. My feet lost balance and I stumbled forward on the floor.

"Listen up, you worthless shit. Don't you ever talk to me like that? Unlike the other camp, no one here is going to save you." Cole kicked me in the stomach and his minions followed him off to wherever the hell he went. You see, I am not the most liked person here. He has always had a thing against me. I never touched a single hair on his body and ever since last year, he's been thrashing me whenever he wants to.

As I got up, I dusted off the dirt on my pants and jogged towards the arena. I was there in two minutes, but obviously late. As I slowly started tiptoeing into the line, a strong hand pulled me. I turned around and guess who it was? That old guy. He glared at me. His grip on my arm was getting stronger and his blue eyes started changing color. They were turning a deep red. His shoulders dropped as if an entity entered his body. His hands were made of steel. His grip on my hand was stronger than before. His grasp was like an eagle's claws holding onto its prey.

"What the hell dude? let me go." I tried to yank my hand out of his, but his grasp got even stronger. The pain was excruciating. It felt like someone was trying to insert glass shards into my arm at once. suddenly, he let me go.

What the hell did just happen? Please tell me I wasn't the only one looking. I turned around me and everyone looked frozen. None of them moved. They were standing there like statues. My eyes kept on searching the line, hoping someone would just acknowledge what had happened. But no one blinked, not even once.

"Why is it so quiet out of nowhere?" Cole came jogging towards me. He looked out of breath. He looked like someone who just ran half a mile. But where would he go? I saw his expression change. His eyes were looking around, desperately trying to find something. He slowly reached the pocket of his pants and pulled out a weird cylindrical tube. He looked at me and motioned me to follow him.

I would be dumb enough to go somewhere alone with my bully. But in this moment of bizarreness, I noiselessly followed him. We went behind a pole. He pulled one of the wires and a small lid slid off the ground. He jumped in an instant and I shortly copied his actions.

"I didn't think this was going to happen. We thought they were going to give us time. Oh god, we are so fucked..." Cole started blabbering. He was pacing back and forth. While my body just stayed still there like a tree on a dry windless day. His whole body language changed within seconds. He was panicking.