It's just the start

*Stella's P.O.V*

I left the house for an hour and guess what I come back to? The whole house is turned upside down. They broke the cabinets. Destroyed the couches, even the wall. Everything in the room was turned into crap. On the bright side, I was right. I told you they will do anything and look, they did. Wait- If they came here, they are going to go after Char. Oh shit! Fuck! This is not what I imagined happening. I can't go to his camp, otherwise, they'll execute me immediately. But he is there, he's going to help Char.

My keeper started buzzing very loudly. The lights inside turned red and the door automatically shut itself. I quickly ran towards the door to open it up again, but it didn't budge. As I kept on trying to open the door, the buzz turned into a siren ringing. Within ten seconds, the whole house was filling up with white fume. The smell of it was sickening, I was barely able to breathe or see anything.

The time is running out but nothing makes sense. The panic was blocking my mind from talking to me. It could sense chaos, but it felt like doomsday. The ticking of the clock was a reminder of how the time was flying and I was losing Charles every second. My heart knew if I didn't find me now, I would lose him forever. It happened once, but not again. Losing him took a part of me and I never want to go through that again.

There's only one option left. If this doesn't work, I don't think I'll ever see him again or even live another day. But this is the last resort with a fairly promising uncertainty. The helicopters were nearby, I could hear the chuff-chuff sound they made as they chopped through the wind. They were close, closer than before.

*Cole's P.O.V.*

It's been an hour since we have been down here. The supplies were stocked up in every station except this one. I don't even know how long we are going to be stuck here. Once the area is safe, I am going to call him and ask for help.

I looked over at Charles, he surprisingly looked very calm. It's weird though, to my knowledge, she didn't tell him about anything. He looked at me. I saw fear in his eyes. His eyes were scanning every inch of this place over and over again.

" I don't see anyone. Re-check their location." It was one of the guards.

"It shows on the map that they are here." The other one shouted back.

I motioned Charles to remain quiet. We need to destroy the Keepers now. I pointed at the keepers, so far he understood what I meant. The problem is there is only one way to deactivate them. It is going to require a bit of work.

The chip has the function to deactivate them. But first, I need to talk to him. He told us the chip has the feature to instantly break down the system but never told us how to. I quickly unbuckled the belt. Charles gave me a weird look and I just rolled my eyes at him. I took the chip off and put it in my mouth.

"Cole, what's going on? First Stella and now?" He asked.

" Yea, we have a serious problem. They are looking for Charles. Ever since everyone got vaccinated, they all have been acting up. "

" See, this is the reason I told you to not take the vaccine."

"We'll talk about that later. Right now, I need to know how can I deactivate the Keepers. I forgot it can track us. I don't have any computer or electronic device to code it."

" Don't worry about that. You don't need that. Just place the chip on top of the Keeper and it's going to do its job."

"That's it?"

" Haha, what did you expect? Out of everything, you both have been the weakest in the coding, so we didn't want to risk it." He laughed at me and disconnected. I am sorry, but did he just threw shade at me? That's a problem. Right now let's see get these deactivated. I took the chip out of my mouth and placed it on the Keeper. The light sensor went haywire. The light was turning on and off. In a split second, the whole keeper collapsed. The pieces broke down and fell apart. I quickly got Charles's keeper and did the same.