A small blunder

We looked at each other. Cole quickly jumped over and opened the shaft. He got out and pulled me outside.

"Charles, don't stop, no matter what."

I nodded at him and we both started sprinting. The cool air sucked away all the sweat in an instant. We started running towards the back exit. The whole area was surprisingly empty, not a single soul was there. Even the insects were hiding. The silence of the night was eerie.

I looked in front, the back exit was open. Within six strides, I was fifty meters away from the exit. There was a broad block of stone blocking my path. As I was jumping over it, something hit the back of my knee and I fell over.

I knew who it was. I turned over, five Virulents were standing over me. I tried to glance at Cole, but I couldn't see him.

" Don't try to act smart, otherwise it's not going to be good for you." One of them warned me.

" Commander, we found him. You were right, he was trying to escape from the back exit."

A tall man with an athletic built walked towards me. He looked pretty young, around nineteen. His eyes were fixated on me, almost waiting for me to do something stupid.

He harshly picked me up by pulling me with my collar. A sly smile crept on his face, " Charles, get up. We have some catching up to do after all. I guess there are things I don't know about you."

I heard a loud click, they had cuffed my hand. A strong hand pushed me to the floor. Most of the Virulents were standing there now. Eyeballing me the whole time, studying all my movements. They all looked ready, almost eagerly waiting for me to make a dumb mistake.

I peered behind me, Cole was nowhere. I guess he made it. I don't think he's going to come back, he never liked me. It's impossible for a few hours to change his hatred towards me. He has always been Cole and I have always been his punching bag.

I quietly stood there. When you are invisible to the world for a long time, you learn to remain unwanted. I stared at the floor, relaxed my breathing, and scrunched my body smaller. Just staring at the ground wishing no one noticed me.