Big Day

It's been two days since the fiasco. We all met at the same conference room again. But this time, like roots connecting to a tree, there were various kinds of electrical wires connecting to a computer. There was one person controlling everything.

He seemed to be in his mid-thirties. He was wearing black square-rimmed glasses. His eyes were fixated on the screen while his fingers were racing over different keys. He occasionally looked up, but only at the projector.

" Hey, Charles." Fred walked over and stood beside me. He was going to say something, but the computer guy interrupted him.

" Sir, we are going to air in three seconds."

" That's great news! Just make sure they can't trace our IP address."

The guy nodded and went back to staring at his computer screen. The moment he stopped typing, the projector went on. A very deep male voice started speaking.

" Good morning, everyone. How are you doing today? I don't know about you all, but the government is most certainly having a pleasant day. There is no reason for them to have disturbed sleep at night. At the end of the day, executing an innocent, defenseless soul is not wrong. Electrocution of people for the tiniest mistakes is normal. Beating them to the point where you can feel their bones grainy is the right thing to do. The list, to my dismay, is never-ending. The atrocities by the government left us scared and speechless for a long time. But not anymore. We, Libertad, officially announce our participation in the game. After all, a game of chess without two players isn't a game. Farewell till the next time."

There was a long silence in the room after the broadcast. Everyone was as shocked by what they just heard. They just mentioned something I thought was a rumor. In the camp, the boys in the locker room would often talk about all these killings. But I ignored them. I am honestly relieved we made it out of there. Otherwise, god only knows what would have happened to me.

Suddenly, Fred started clapping. Everyone followed him. The ambiance of the room rapidly changed. Everyone was congratulating the Mr. Computer guy. I don't want to be the only one who doesn't show appreciation. So I decided to talk to him.