Fix it

*While at the government headquarters*

" WHY IS EVERYONE JUST SITTING? DID YOU NOT SEE A FUCKING BASTARD TRYING TO EXPOSE US?!!" A man in his mid-forties barged into the room.

He had grey hair, but no trace of aging on his face. He faced fumed with anger. His eyes were scanning the room like an eagle searching for his prey. He locked eyes with a woman. Instantly fear masked her face. She quickly got up and walked towards him.

" Meet me in my office right now." He stormed off.

His office looked luxurious. A big brown desk with a class covering was situated in the middle. There were different kinds of objects on the desk, like a big computer, some files, etc. The brightness of the fire from the fireplace lit the whole room bright.

The moment the door opened, the man went off.

" You had one job to do, and you messed that up. I gave you one single job to keep an eye on him and you couldn't even do it?"

" You know very well I did. That bitch messed up everything. That Charles guy bought it for 15 whole years that I was his sister."

" You need to fix this before the situation gets out of hand. Also, find out how they did find out about the killings. Whoever snitched needs to be punished."

The women walked to the bathroom. She locked the door. Her eyes were turning red. In a flash of an eye, she punched the mirror. The whole glass shattered and fell all over the place. She looked at her knuckles. Blood was flowing down her hand, but it didn't seem to faze. Instead, she burst into laughter. She took out a cigar from one of her pockets and started smoking it.

" Charles, you fucked up. You are going to pay for this."

She took a long puff as she dialed numbers on her phone.

" Hey, I need your help. Don't leave the house. I'll meet you at your house. No one can see you, remember? That motherfucker really just put the whole situation on my shoulders. He wants me to find out who ratted and deal with that bastard."

Her conversation was interrupted as someone knocked at the door.