
*At the Libertad base*

The calmness is quite unimaginable and, to be honest, unexpected. Ever since I had got here, I could sense the tension in every inch of the wall here. Walking in the hallways always felt like carrying a heavyweight on my shoulders. But today, it feels different.

Everything feels so peaceful. This place is like cloud nine. I have seen so many people laughing and smiling, hanging out with each other. A very unusual scene back at the camp.

Fred and everyone else who was present at the conference that day seems so appeased today. It's like everyone has forgotten their feuds with each other. Except for Stella.

Honestly, this whole fight is so absurd. But I am done with constantly trying to be the one who fixes the relationships. Relationships are like a pair of wheels if they are not on the same height, it stops working. Breaks down in an instant.

Sometimes, letting go is better than holding on. It is not easy to accept that things won't be the same, but for their and your own good, one has to learn to let go. Holding on to someone who does not want to be in your life, makes it harder for you.

Learn to cut people off when it becomes too much to handle. Even if you end up alone, you need to do it. Cause you are only alone at that moment, not forever.

It's your life, not theirs. So why let them control? Do what makes you happy. Not what makes them happy. There is a thin line between caring for others and putting everyone else over you. Sometimes, you don't realize that you are letting yourself get hurt while trying to make others happy.

It feels like I am telling you all of this to convince myself. I have a confession to make. I am stuck in past. I have this habit of comparing my happy moments in the present with the past ones and immediately my mood drops. I have these expectations from people and no one ever stands up to that. In the end, I am the one who gets hurt.

But I am going to change that. It is time to learn to live in the present and not waste time making up scenarios in my head. To accept the present and change for the better. Everything is going to be fine. No more problems. No more unnecessary stress. No more fights.