Yes mom

"Damn, he took the bait faster than I expected it." Lyla talked to herself as she opened a bottle of J.S. Terrantez Madeira. She always had a taste for white wine. No matter what happened, a glass of white wine made the day better.

She turned on her computer and opened a tab. The silence in the room was completely gone as she increased the volume. She could hear loud buzzing noises and sobbing noises. For a moment, her brows furrowed, but like a chameleon changing its color, her face went completely blank.

She looked into the mirror. Dark circles and wrinkles covered her face. She was barely in her twenties and she already looked forty. She picked up her digital voice recorder and hit record.

" Mum. Dad. I don't know what I want anymore. I thought he was going to be a parent, but rather he treats me like a slave. I wish you guys were here. I miss you more than anything. Aaron, he cares about me. He makes me feel special and loved, just the way Char- I don't want to hurt him. I am scared if I get too close with him, he's going to end up getting hurt-" Everything that had been building within for the past few weeks came out at once. She dropped down to the floor and hugged her knees. Tears thick like a broken pearl gushed down her face.

Her head was resting against the leg of the couch. Hands gently grazing her legs just the way her mother used to do when she was sad. But this time, it was different. She wasn't sad, she was broken. And, her mother wasn't there to hold her anymore.

" Please come back. I can't do this anymore. I need you, mum. Dad, if you can hear me, your princess is waiting for you. She needs her superhero. Please come back." She wailed loudly, secretly praying for someone to come and just hold her. But no one came. All alone.

She knew if she didn't stop right now, she will shatter. Break into thin fine pieces of glass, impossible to put back together. She didn't want to do it, but that was the only option. She stumbled towards one of the drawers and pulled out a pink container full of white pills. Without thinking twice, she took one and just lied down on the floor.

They say creating your cloud nine takes a long time. But here she was on her cloud nine in an instant. Her breathing slowed down and her eyes closed. She felt warm. A luxury she could never afford.

A sweet melodious voice said to her, " Hey Sweetie, this is for your best. Just relax and enjoy it. You need this and you deserve this. Do it when you want. Take one more."

" Yes, mom."