
"Where is he?"

" Sergeant, he is kept under surveillance."

"Get him here right now".

" Yes, sergeant".

Someone picked me up and carried me forward but I couldn't feel anything. My body didn't feel like mine. Almost like it was someone else's. I tried to speak. But my tongue was anchored to the bottom of my mouth. It didn't move.

" How long has been under par-13?" Someone asked.

"For about 15 hours sergeant".

" Well, don't just stare at me. Unfold his blindfold and put him on the chair".

" Yes sir".

A ray of bright light hit me in the eyes. I tried to look around but my body still refused to listen to me. I didn't understand what was happening around me. My body was numb. I couldn't move my body or even speak. It was like I was in sleep paralysis and these straps were tiny demons leeching off my soul.

When my eyes finally adjusted to the light I saw her, not him. The sergeant. She looked very familiar. She had soft brown eyes with a small burn mark on the left side of her face. She looked me up down like I was a filthy slug. She smirked to herself after noticing me eyeing her. Her voice didn't match her. Her face looked like the embodiment of innocence. But those eyes, devilish like a hyena's.

" Want to speak Charles? Want to know why you are here?" She teased me.

" Don't worry, I'll do all the talking because the poor little boy can't talk. Well, I would introduce myself. But surprise, this is our first and the last encounter. As a matter of fact, this is the last time you'll see anything. Or even breathe. Finally, though, we meet. I must let you know though. I don't like waiting. So let's cut to the chase now, shall we? We got you here because someone on the other end is waiting for you. And you boy, we'll help us fix this for once and all."

She walked over to a table and picked up a wire.

" Don't be a scared boy. You will always be remembered as a martyr. A foolish one. Oh, one will remember you, now will they? I mean, you got no one. Not that stupid little girl or your parents. So I guess, you'll be remembered as the forgotten martyr that no one knows about or care about.

The crazy thing is, this makes it much much better. You are the perfect pawn for this checkmate. Just one move and you'll explode, literally. Another surprise, the moment I cut off this wire, you'll blow up and erase all the unwanted things. Including yourself.

So listen, in some time, they'll come and take you. And you, like the good boy you are, will just stay still. Not that you got a choice". She smiled sweetly and walked off.

I still can't move. Whatever she said made sense. But my body doesn't seem to be even reacting to it. I know I'll die, but it doesn't feel real. This all feels like a stimulation. Completely unreal. A dream. A nightmare precisely.