Pretty sister

As they walked into the huge office a man in a navy suit is sitting reading, he looks up and smiles but that quickly turns into anger as he gets up and walks towards us scowling. Paige pulls Charlie closer, must be his dad but Paige feels she has to protect the cute little cupcake.

"Give him to me, Charlie what are you doing leaving with this girl. Put him down". Paige put Charlie down and he holds onto her thigh.

"But dad I like the pretty sister, Natalie doesn't care about me, she talks to her friends all day and I get so bored. She even shouts at me and ignores me". Cupcake started to air his grievances.

"She says she loves you and takes good care of you, you can't just leave with others like that".

"Sorry, sir but she does not take care of him when I found cupcake he was crying as others were bullying him saying he was motherless and no one loves him so I had to intervene and then that banshee could care less and so here we are. You should find someone good with kids, not someone who only cares about makeup and finding a man". Paige stated, she didn't like the way cupcakes feelings were being ignored.

Paige shocked herself but her instinct tells her to protect the adorable little bun. The man doesn't seem upset though at her words he bends down to Charlie.

"I'm so sorry Charlie I didn't know. Don't worry I fired Natalie and you can stay here with me, Jaxson or Secretary Anne".

"No dad". Charlie says and looks all sad again and looks away from his dad. I'm not sure how to help mend things between them.

"How can dad make it up, anything, new Xbox game, whatever you want". The man in the suit started to bargain with a cupcake.

Ok, the dad looks a little lost, then the adorable cupcake has an evil smirk then goes back to being sad. He knows how to get his dad wrapped around his finger.

"I'll forgive daddy if I can go with my pretty sister to bake a cake, we gonna have fun. Daddy please." Cupcake starts to beg again.

His dad looks helpless and looks up at me.

"Ok, sorry miss I didn't ask your name? If you are not busy can you possibly look after Charlie, I'll pick him up after work? He seems to like you a lot and we can exchange numbers... just a few hours?." Cupcakes dad gave in quickly and asked Paige.

Ok, now they both look like puppy dogs with begging eyes. Paige had already said yes to cupcake so this must just be a way to convince his dad.

"Sure I like the cute little cupcake so he can tag along with me, I'm Paige". Paige smiled and shook his hand introducing herself.

With that we exchange numbers and his dad introduced himself then Charlie is pulling her out the door. They spend all afternoon shopping, baking and painting her new house. She could happily spend all day every day doing this. Of course, throughout the day she constantly sends pictures to Charlie's dad who she knows is called Axel, to keep him informed on what they are up to and also the pics are too cute.

Later that day in an office across the hall...

What is that smell... why is my wolf pacing and jumpy... what's so exciting... Jaxson looked around its a normal boring workday in his office. He should maybe check with his brother. He leaves his office and he smells the heavenly chocolate cake scent. Who's baking at work, maybe Axel got some cake for Charlie. He entered his brother's office and Axel is smiling at his phone.

"One where is the cake and two what are you grinning at?." Jaxson asks as he sits on the chair opposite Axels.

"No cake sorry bro, but I'm looking at the pics of Charlie sent by the girl from earlier, she is really sweet she keeps me updated on Charlie all day and he looks like he's having fun. I wish I was there, wonder can she take care of him every day. The only thing is she's human but Charlie is smart enough not to tell her anything and if he did she would probably think he's playing". Axel smiled while flicking through the photos on his phone.

"Wait, you let him go with a girl you don't even know?". Jaxson couldn't believe his brother would do that.

"It's not like that, she feels familiar like a little sister and Charlie calls her pretty sister so I'm taking her as family. Maybe she's the chocolate smell you like?". Axel smirks at his brother.

"Probably not, my mate isn't gonna just walk into your office. Go pick him up ill finish up today's work". Jaxson scoffed, why would his mate be so close to him all of a sudden.

"Thanks, bro I'll go get Charlie, sure you don't wanna come with me?." Axel asked Jaxson again.

Jaxson sighed and left Axel's office. His wolf seems a bit sad. Never mind work will keep us company Jaxson thought.