Find a job

"Ok, little buddy go get cleaned up your dad just texted saying he would be here soon". Paige rubbed the little guys head, she thought he was adorable.

"Aww do I have to go I wanna stay?" Cupcake looked up at Paige with cute puppy dog eyes begging her so he could stay. She wanted him too also, she liked his company.

He grabs Paige's legs and looks up with those puppy dog eyes again, his face all covered in a chocolate brownie. Paige wished he could stay but she needed to get up early and find a job in the morning.

Ding Dong

The front doorbell breaks the silence. Paige goes to the door and Axel is standing there in his smart suit smiling.

"Thank you so much, the photos were adorable . I can tell he had fun... Charlie". Axel smiled and looked behind Paige for Charlie, when he didn't see him he called out for him.

Paige and Axel walked into the living room expecting to see Charlie but he was gone, Paige goes to look into the kitchen. Huh not there either.

Axel sighed he didn't know Charlie would be this attached to Paige. He also didn't want to snoop all around the young girl's house.

"I'll check my room". Paige goes to her room and finds a ball-shaped duvet cover. Paige thought cupcakes hiding skills were both funny and cute.

"Axel I think I found him can you come to my room". Getting permission Axel walks in and the wee duvet ball seems to move.

"You can't stay here, I have no other bed for you and also I have to get up super early to find a job Tomorrow".

Paige goes to her bed and peered under the covers at a little adorable fluff ball.

"I have an idea, maybe you could take Natalie's job and look after Charlie for me?". Axel barely finishes his sentence and the duvet ball explodes and cupcake jumps into Paige's arms.

"Oh please pretty sister, we can have fun every day. I'll be good, I'll listen to everything you say and we can bake and have sleepovers when dad's away." Cupcakes eyes seemed to sparkle looking up at Paige. She looks into his hopeful eyes and realised that she could look after him, he was no trouble and she would at least enjoy the work.

"Ok, I enjoyed today and don't want to leave Cupcake either". Paige smiled and hugged the little fluff ball in front of her.

"Yes," Charlie jumps up and fist bumps the air.

Paige, Axel and cupcake went back to the living room. Paige then goes to the kitchen to make dinner for all of them. After all, cupcake and herself had a busy day and she thought how Axel had a busy job being at the office all day. They got to know each other over dinner a bit. Axel seemed friendly and a great dad. Cupcake stuck to Paige's side and are everything she put on his plate, which impressed Axel ad he knew how fussy his son was. Axel tasted the food and agreed with his son.

Paige then clears the plates and Axel does the dishes. She then packs some treats for the boys that she had baked that day and wish them goodnight. She smiles at the pair as they leave for their house. She felt happy to meet such nice people and work for them. Maybe living here would be good, she would stay for a while longer.