
Axel drops us off at Paige's house. She dumped her bag inside before turning and heading for her car. She helps cupcake in and buckled his belt so they can head out to do some errands.

The first stop was the supermarket, then the chemist and finally to drop her chevy off at a mechanic. If she did need to go on a long trip she needed it up n ready and right now it requires some TLC.

The supermarket is packed so she put cupcake in the trolley. They go to the fun baking Isle first, then the snack Isle and finally got all her necessities to hold up in her house for the week. She hated to grocery shop so she got enough to keep her going. Cupcake swings his legs in the trolley she noticed him adding things he would like as they walk around.

"Oh sorry".

"No worries".

Paige had bumped into a tall young man, he was handsome and dressed casually in a green t-shirt and camouflage trousers. She wondered how she had managed not to see him. Good thing he didn't mind too much.

They go and check out. Cupcake and Paige go to the car, filling the boot she noticed the young man again getting into his blue SUV. Didn't he buy anything?

They head to the chemist and she got her usual nail varnish, toothbrush and then told cupcake to get the electric Marvel toothbrush he saw the last time we were here. She noticed the blue SUV was parked outside the chemist as they finished up there shopping and returned to the car. She dropped all there shopping at home before one last stop at the mechanic.

They pull up and the mechanic's yard looked busy, she wondered how long it would take to get her car fixed. She saw a man with longish dirty fair hair, wearing a black t-shirt covered in grease and ripped jeans. His exposed arm showed his tan muscles and tattooed arms, she thought he must work there.

"Come on cupcake". She walked over to him with her car keys in one hand and cupcake in the other.

"Hey sorry to bother you".

He looks up at Paige, sets his ranch down and stands up. That's when she noticed he is over 6ft and she only reached his chest.

"No, bother Darlin." He smiles and it would no doubt make any girl weak at the knees but not Paige.

"Cough, I'm Paige. I've parked my Chevy over there. I was wondering if you could give her a once over". He looks over at my car.

"No problem Darlin, I'm Dean by the way".

They both shake hands.

"Can I get your number so I can let you know what's wrong and how long it'll take me?".

"Sure, thank you so much". Paige read out her phone number and he typed it on his phone. She looked over and could see the blue SUV again.


"What's up?". Dean looked up at Paige and noticed her worried expression. He for some reason didn't like to see her looking that way.

"Nothing just the blue SUV over there I saw it and the guy inside at the supermarket, chemist and nowhere. It might just be a coincidence".

"Let me give you a ride". Dean didn't want to leave her stranded or have some creep follow her home.

"No no, it's ok I'm just being silly". Paige was worried but also didn't want to trouble him.

"I'm not taking a no for an answer, if you are creeped out it's for a reason. Come with me".

Paige gave in as she would have to walk home with cupcake. So it's not like she would be alone with Dean. They got in his car and when she saw it she got excited.

"I love your car, it's a 429 Boss Mustang?".

"The lady knows her cars?". Dean was impressed.

"Yes, my dad let me help him with his cars. The last car he built with was me was my Chevy".

"I'll take good care of it then".


Paige told him her address and she and cupcake got out once they had arrived home.

"Thank you so much".

"No problem Darlin, I'll give you a call about your car and maybe we can go for a coffee talk about cars sometime?".

"Sure, txt me".

Paige went into the house and Dean left after she turned around and wave. She started to unpack and she looked up at cupcake who was scowling.

"Cupcake what's wrong?"

"Do you prefer him to my uncle?"

"Don't be silly, he was just being kind to a stranger". Paige rubbed his little cute fluffy head.

"So I can tell uncle?".

"Of course you can. I'm sure Jaxson talks to many women who he works with. I can't get jealous at that can I. Now what will I make us for dinner?".

"Lasagne please".

"Ok, come help me".

They make themselves a big lasagne and she has enough left over so makes a portion for Axel and Jaxson as well. Axel comes and picks cupcake up and she is left alone again. Paige's goes to tidy up and then heads to her room for a long bath.