Night Jaxson

Axels House


Axel nodded at his brother then waved a bag at him and walked straight to the kitchen.

"Yum, what's that? Is that from Paige?".

Jaxson jumped up from his seat on the sofa and quickly followed after his brother.

"Yes, I'll go heat it up".

"Charlie sit down with us".

Axel heats up the two lasagnas and they all sit around the dining table. They both wanted to know how Charlie got on with Paige.

"So Charlie, what did you and Paige get up to today?". Jaxson's curiosity got the better of him.


"That it?". Jaxson felt like he was pulling teeth, Charlie was sealed up like a vault right now.

"What if I let you stay with Paige all weekend."

Axel new his son was holding back so he offered a trade.

"We met two men, one was following us I think and the other was definitely flirting with pretty sister".

"Who?". That made both Jaxson and Axel become alert.

"The flirty guy was the mechanic...I don't remember his name".

"Yes him also, but who followed you?".

"Mmm, some guy in a big car. It is ok Dean drove us to pretty sisters so we were safe. They gonna get coffee".

"Dean? Coffee?".

He liked what happened today less and less. Someone following them and then it looks like Paige agreed to a date.

"Yeah he's the mechanic, she's making friends and you can't be jealous cause you talk to women all day, at least I think that's what pretty sister said".

"What the...". 

Jaxson was confused by Charlie. Did Paige think he flirted with women all day, he would have to tell her straight?

"Calm down Jaxson, the guy following her doesn't sound good. But if you wanna prove you don't have a temper then you have to give her a week and not explode cause she's having coffee".

"How would any wolf-like there mate having coffee with some flirty guy. I don't talk to woman all day. My secretary is mated and the chauffeur we use is male".

"Friends are ok Jaxson. This is just your first time feeling this way. Usually, everything is on your terms. I get it, remember my mate had a few guy friends and I always pretended I didn't mind. You just gotta suck it up for a bit".

"I don't know how you did it bro. How was Paige today Charlie".

"Just text her I am not reporting to you from now on. You will mess it up if I tell you any more. I'm going to bed".

Charlie went to bed. He wanted her as an aunt but as long as he could be around her every day he was content.

"He's very sensible my son. Wait till he finds his mate though. Let's see how sensible he is".

Meanwhile at Paige's 

Bath is done, face mask on. She painted her nails and flicked through the boring TV. Thinking of her nana she gives her a video call. Should be okay now as her face is all healed.

"Hi, nana".

"Paige is that you sweetie?".

"You all pale again, are you not sleeping".

"Its a face mask, I'm ok nana don't worry about me. How are you?".

"I'm good sweetie you look after yourself. I take Ozzy for walks, we are both old now so it's not so far".

"I'm all settled got a house and job. Hopefully you can both visit me soon".

"You don't want some old lady round you. What's the job?".

"I look after a cute little boy called Charlie, I cook for the family and do some secretary work for them too".

"Nice family. That's good".

"Yea its just Charlie, Axel and Jaxson. They are very kind to me".

"That's a good sweetie. Ill won't hold you up. You young people shouldn't worry about us oldies".

"Nana you are all I have. Well I have Charlie, Axel and Jaxson now too I suppose".

"Oh really, which boy is trying to butter up my granddaughter? mmm Do I need to go down and check him out?".

"No nana, his name is Jaxson and he's Charlie's uncle. Think I like him, like a lot".

"Some people come to our lives when we need them the most, just take it slowly".

"I know nana, night night. Love you".

"Love you too sweetie and take care".

Paige hung up. Her nana is all that she has left in her family. She's not as old as she makes out. She's also a good judge of character and she can always count on her.

Ring ring

Thinking it was her nana again she answered quickly.

"Hey, you forget to tell me something?".



"It's Jaxson".

"Oh hi".

"Hey, I tried calling you. Who was on the phone this late?".

"My nana, why?".

"Oh, sorry. How are you?".


"..... I miss you. The house is quiet and there's no nice food smell. Thanks for dinner by the way".

"Oh no problem, you know I like to cook".

"Mmm.... so would it be breaking the rules if we face chat or I leave Charlie off Tomorrow morning".

"No face chat.... not tonight anyway and yea you can drop off cupcake".

"Ok great well sees you in the morning beautiful. Sleep tight".

"Night Jaxson".

Paige went to bed and sleep but she was up early and started to make lunches. Today she will take cupcake out in the sun. She also made lunch for Axel and Jaxson. She then went to her room to get changed. She wondered why she was getting so dressed up, yeah its cause I'll see Jaxson for all of a few minutes. Maybe I do like him a bit.