
Waking up in Jaxson's strong arms Paige felt relaxed and a bit shy. She ducks down under the covers to hide her blushing features. She was still naked and was covered in hicky's left buy Jaxson.

"No point hiding now beautiful".

She heard his deep cello-like voice, it was slightly husky after just waking and it reminded her of his voice last night. This only made her want to keep hiding.

"Agh". She felt like she could die from embarrassment, she had never bared herself naked in front of anyone but Jaxson so she didn't know how she should act.

Jaxson dived under the cover with her and flipped on top of her kissing her with the same amount of passion as last night. She pushed him away and put her hand on his beautiful thin lips.

"Morning breath".

"Mmmmmm mmmm Mmmmm".

"Very funny I didn't get any of that".