Is He Your Mate?

After driving for a few hours now, we stop at a park. We have another hour to go but cupcake needs a toilet break and it's lunchtime. So she went to the boot of Jaxson's car and took out a blanket and placed it on a picnic table that she found and set up their lunches. Paige had made everyone sandwiches. She had made a selection of ham and cheese, chicken, lettuce and tomatoes and a roast beef and mustard sandwich. She had also prepared a fruit salad and some smoothies. Of course, she had a flask of coffee for Jaxson.

Cupcake jogs back from the toilets with Jaxson. He runs up and hugs her before sitting down to eat. Jaxson sits opposite them, he is now used to Charlie taking his seat beside his mate. It's like a family of three. Paige ate and pictured what could be in the future and smiled.

"What are you smiling at?".


It was a simple statement but Jaxson felt her feelings and reaches over and kisses her head.