Why are you at pretty sisters house?

Finally we both left the bedroom hands linking. We wnt downstairs and heard the shouts of cupcake and Dean. Seeing the smoke from the kitchen and then the fire alarm went off. I rush to the door.

Axel is sitting at the finning table ignoring the kitchen mayhem. I look and see Dean and cupcake frantic in the kitchen. Dean had a pan of very burnt sausages and cupcake had pancake batter all over himself along with a pile of at least five burnt pancakes.

I sigh helplessly and take over. Rolling my sleeves up I help cupcake first. Wiping his hands and little face, he pouts.

"I tried".

"I know, but isn't it more fun if me and you do it together".

He smiles again and nods. I chase Dean out, throwing out the burnt sausages from the pan and smacking it. Jwxson had turned off the smoke alarm and opened the kitchen windows to air out the smoke and smell.