No mate at all

"I came to visit your babysitter and when I came I met her family so I obviously stayed to chat. Isn't good for me to get to know who minds my grandson?".

"As long as your nice to pretty sister and her nanny".

"Of course if course don't be silly child".

Cupcake had scowled at his granny and had told her off because of me. I was thankful but also sad. It shouldn't have to be this way. My nanny was still standing beside me so I helped her into the arm chair.

There was tea and biscuits laid out already for the guests so I just made a trip to the kitchen to get cupcake some milk. On my way back the living room was still so quiet. I sat and looked at Carol and the girl beside her. What was Carol's purpose this time.

"So how can I help you feel at ease while I look after cupcake?".

Carol smiled but it never reached her eyes it gave me a very bad feeling.