In this life you will be my only love, mate and wife


All afternoon Paige had been in her warm bed cocoon. She couldn't get warm no matter what she tried. She felt sad and alone. She regretted not going straight to Jaxson this morning, she realised she was running from her problems by being here.

But she didn't even want to face an even one per cent chance that Jaxson was married and wanted even less to hear that she was some hidden girlfriend.

She enjoyed the family life she had been living too much to hear her happiness might actually belong to someone else. She doubted herself more than Jaxson.

When she saw Diane, a pretty and strong girl with an upbringing that matched Jaxson she couldn't help but feel inferior. She couldn't promise to be a strong Luna as she was a human. She also couldn't guarantee they would have babies with Alpha blood they may be human.