Welcome Home

Paige woke up as the sun streamed through the thin curtains. She felt Jaxson's arms and legs wrapped around her, she looked up and saw his brows creased into a frown. She wondered if it was her fault for worrying him. She decided in future she couldn't listen to outsiders anymore and trust in what they have. This was her family to love and protect and she would do just that.

She lifted her arm up and stroked his eyebrows and they relaxed at her touch, she smiled at the thought she could help him even this much. She lay there in his loving embrace for a while longer to let him sleep later. Unfortunately, after a while, she needed the bathroom. She wriggled out and each time she got a leg free Jaxson would hold her tighter to his body. Stuck in his embrace she gave up and rested in his arms once again.

A little while later Jaxson woke up and realised he was like an octopus holding on to Paige. He smiled at her and kissed her forehead.

"Morning beautiful".