All one big family

The next morning Paige woke up with cupcake seated beside her reading from the book they had fallen asleep reading the night before. Paige thought of how good cupcake was, he was sweet and caring. She sat up and rubbed his wee head.

"Good morning." She stretched and yawned.

"Morning, dad said he and uncle had to go to work early so I kept you company." Cupcake beamed at Paige.

"Thanks, cupcake. Will we get ready then go eat some breakfast." Paige rubbed his little head.

"Yep, I want pancakes." Cupcake bounced on the bed.

"No problem cupcake."

Cupcake then ran to the shower and Paige laid out some clothes for him on his bed then left to go do the same. When she was done washing and getting dressed she went downstairs. It was quiet she wondered if Dean was at work too.

Cupcake ran down the stairs after her and she got out the pancake supplies.

"Cupcake set the table and get out the syrup."

"On it."