It Is All Your Mother

Jaxson got up and stretched he had worked through the night to get some free time today. He would rather be snuggled up with Piage but unfortunately due to his mother he had a serious situation to sort out. He stood and looked out his floor to ceiling window at the rain as it fell over the city. His mood as somber as the rain that fell.

He remembered a time when he was young his mother would let him and Axel turn into their teenage wolf selves and explore the wilderness. One day it was wet and the wind whistled through the trees. They had kept running and chasing each other for fun, not realising the time or distance as they ran.

They had gotten lost due to the rain washing away their scent and tracks. They stayed in wolf form to keep warm as their wolf had a naturally high temperature, that didn't mean they wouldn't get sick though once they where human again. They stayed out trying to find home and didn't seek shelter.