
Paige walked into her nannys smiling from ear to ear as she new her nanny as a mother would understand how she's feeling and pamper her.

"Nanny I'm back. Hi ozzy." She was greeted by Ozzy at the door. Going in cupcake runs to the sofa and picks up the remote, switching on the TV to find his shows. He is completely at home here. Paige goes to the kitchen, her nanny is covered in flour. Its just how she always used to look when Paige was young and had just come home from school.

"Oh sweetheart your here I was just making you some scones and bread. You can pick at the scones during the day and I have made some sweet strawberry jam as well for you." Paige hugs her, she is so greatful to have her nanny right now. "Aww sweetheart, I just want you healthy and happy. Oh I got some new tea, it's sweet and healthy for you."