Check up

A few days had passed and it was calm as it used to be, except for a few doting men that surrounded her. Paige had patience with these men but she really needed to get out. She had wanted to do all the things she used to do but was held back by one of the three men and even cupcake had joined in. Cupcake had refused to go out with the excuse of watching movies or playing indoor games. Which was ok in the beginning.

Paige gave into there whims as they where only looking after her. Paige had started to get tierd more often and had some light morning sickness. Morning sickness is what they call it, that made her laugh it wasn't morning it was all day long sickness. She was off her food but ate as much as she could especially with at least one of the men or cupcake piling food on her plate. She tried to hide these from them as she didn't want them to worry even more.