Treasure Every Day

Paige and Jaxson arrived at the funeral director's Paige clenched her leather jacket tighter around her body. She knew that if she moved forward the reality that her nanny had passed away would hit her but if she stayed inside the car she could hide from the truth. She stared out of the window, the sun had started to set and it was getting dark outside. 

"Paige, do you want to go in?"

Jaxson could see her hesitation as if she moved she would break, her body not wanting to move forward. He wouldn't push her it was up to her how she had wanted to handle this. He turned on the car engine again to put the heat on for her.

Paige thought Jaxson would drive away and she wanted him to, she honestly didn't want to face losing the last person in her family. She took a deep breath and steadied her heart.

"I can do this, just hold my hand don't let me go."

"I'll be with you."