Cupcakes Idea

Jaxson leaned over and lightly kissed her lips before starting the engine and driving home. She would need her family around her now and in time to heal.

The journey home was quiet and after a short while, they arrived outside Axels. Paige looked up and saw Dean, Axel and cupcake waiting for her.

"Your family's here to greet you... ready?"

Paige turned and smiled up at Jaxson, he had not only given the love he gave her his family too. She reached up and pulled his chiselled jaw towards her face and kissed his warm lips. 

"Now I'm ready."

Paige then got out of the car leaving a smiling Jaxson stunned. He got out of the car after her and caught up to her side holding her hand again.

"Pretty sister, come with me. I have something to show you."

Cupcake took hold of Paige's other hand and pulled her towards the back garden. Paige looked to Jaxson for a clue of what was happening he could only shrug he had no idea what their plan was.