Old Married Couple

The next day Jaxson stretched as he woke up, feeling the cold crisps sheets against his skin. For a moment he sat up and panicked, he felt like Paige was just one long dream. He ran his hand through his messy bed hair and got out of bed, checking the bathroom. Not seeing her in there he made his way down the stairs two at a time, rushing through the empty living room to the kitchen. It was empty once again he felt his heart race.

"Agh no let me go." Jaxson heard Charlies shouts from the garden, he rushed out into the garden.

His heart stopped and he took a breath he didn't know that he was holding. Paige and Charlie where tickle fighting in the garden with each other.

"Stop, pretty sister… stop." Paige was tickling Charlie and he was nonstop laughing until he couldn't breathe.

Jaxson stood and watched them play, she was truly the sweetest mate in the world, who else would get up early just to spend time with a small kid?